
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.


Walking in Truth

Periodically, we send out verses as reminders to be living up to our high calling in Christ. We hope you will be encouraged and strengthened by these short teachings from the Word of God and examples of people who are walking in faith!

Thank you for your interest in Mark Cahill’s teachings!

If you would like to donate to help pay for the cost of bandwidth for these teachings, that would be great, but it is not necessary for listening to or downloading them.

Thank you!


Josh, Jesus, and Jersey

Josh, Jesus, and Jersey

I received this nice email from Josh the other day. He put in a large order and included a comment with it. As I read his comment, I decided to ask...

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Food Pantry

Food Pantry

We received this neat email at the ministry not long ago: Attached is a photo taken yesterday of my brother in Christ, Merle, giving your book to...

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Recently, I was invited to speak to a group of high school seniors at Big Canoe Chapel, just north of Atlanta. The Chapel gives college scholarships...

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Toll Booth Talk

Toll Booth Talk

Last Monday’s newsletter, Comfortable or Not, sparked some neat feedback. If you would like to check it out again, here’s the link::...

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Our Faith Is Not In Vain

Our Faith Is Not In Vain

1 Corinthians 15:12-22 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But...

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Your Most Important Days

Your Most Important Days

  From time to time, people will write in with their ideas for how to reach the lost. Some of those ideas are great and ones that we've never heard...

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College Ministry Fair

College Ministry Fair

How is it possible for someone to be in their 80’s and still be reaching the lost and equipping the saints? It is actually pretty easy. Just start...

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Retire Well

Retire Well

We received this neat email from Keith. What an encouragement! Mark, Last fall, I received a copy of One Heartbeat Away from Pastor Monroe at...

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1,000,000 Thanks

1,000,000 Thanks

After I wrote my first book One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, I kind of thought my writing career was over. And I was totally okay with that!...

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Shining in the Darkness

Shining in the Darkness

Until the Nets are Full, P.S. When Heidi was asked how she would get to Heaven, she said, “I’m not going. I’m not good enough to get there.” But,...

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Happy New Year – 2023

Happy New Year – 2023

We are about to step into a new year of human history and a fresh new year filled with eternal opportunities for each of us who knows the Lord. But...

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Finish Strong (2022)

Finish Strong (2022)

This week is always a perfect time to think about what the Lord has done for us, spend time with family, share our faith, and finish the year as...

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To Save Sinners

To Save Sinners

Until the nets are full, P.S. Santa Claus speaking from the pulpit? Santa Claus flying through the air over the congregation? It is my guess that we...

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Supercharged in Vancouver

Supercharged in Vancouver

Have you ever been jolted awake? Like maybe you were sleeping and then all of a sudden, you were awakened to find that your dream didn’t come true,...

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Store Up Treasure

Store Up Treasure

God has given all of us the ability to do great things for Him. He has also provided us examples of what that kind of commitment looks like, not...

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Biblical Backbone

Biblical Backbone

I ordered a couple of books by John Rice recently. I enjoy reading his works. I find that his writings are very challenging. As I was waiting for...

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The Origins of Halloween

The Origins of Halloween

Pastor James Knox of Bible Baptist Church in Deland, FL gave an excellent sermon a few years ago about the origins of Halloween. In this sermon, he...

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Failure is not Fatal (2022)

Failure is not Fatal (2022)

We all mess up in life at one time or another. And most of us want to be forgiven of those wrongs. Sin injures people, and it injures God. When...

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