
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Mark Cahill



“I want to thank you and tell you I was referred to you by one of the best evangelizers I know. They told me you and your material helped...
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Caleb J.
“I want to thank you and tell you I was referred to you by one of the best evangelizers I know. They told me you and your material helped them more than anyone else.”
Caleb J.
Caleb J.

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What People Are Saying 

“Mark, all of us here who are associated in this ministry, have you and our Lord to thank for the education and encouragement in training us. The cotton fields from Georgia to California are white (in the fall) and ready for harvest! Like l said in my last post, you are our teacher! Let’s go ‘24!!!”

— James W.

“I’m just touched by your spirit, by your prison ministry, by you being the lone voice I hear from at 2:00 AM in the ‘factory’ (emails), your constant encouragement to open our mouths with the gospel, your materials getting in people’s hands and changing lives, you being there in those restaurants doing what I so far haven’t done. I want to bless you with some ‘scraps’ with which you might bless others when you open your mouth or bless someone with money or a booklet, etc. . . . and then you encourage others like me with that story. Not to mention your QEQE (question everything, question everyone) motto, your  prayer of Lord let me not be deceived that I might not deceive others, your diligent pursuit of truth, you showing yourself to be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, your bold stance for truth whatever the cost. In just a small way, I want to be a part of all that.”

— Frank F.

“I love you, Brother Mark. Your books have transformed my life, and your ministry inspires me to be a fisher of men. Praise be to God.”

— David C.

“You probably don’t remember me, but we met when you spoke at a friend’s house in Pleasanton, CA, many years ago. I was going back over some of the folks who were influential in my early walk as a follower of Jesus. People like you are cornerstones for the way to have conversations with those who don’t know God, and I’m very grateful for your example of zeal and boldness in sharing the gospel.”

— Chris J.

“I want to thank you and tell you I was referred to you by one of the best evangelizers I know. They told me you and your material helped them more than anyone else.”

— Caleb J.

“Thank you for standing for Christ so boldly and preaching without apology. I have mostly listened to teachers of the past, but I had not heard a man speak of God similarly who hadn’t gone to glory, until I heard you preach. Thank you! I have been depressed and disheartened that those men of God were gone, but you gave me new hope in what God is doing. As we approach the beast’s one-world system, I believe it will lead to radical preaching and praying with a broken heart over the state of the American church and nation.”

— Kristi J.

“By the grace of God we found you and your ministry. We thank you for your resources! We have been blessed by your ministry and look forward to using your resources to continue to spread the Word.”

— Pastor Edward F.

“Your books are so easy to read and make it so obvious that we really have no excuses for not telling others about Jesus. Love that they are packed full of examples and ideas! Thanks Mark!”

 —Vera S.
Pastoral Care, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Prayer

“Thank you writing with plain language and common sense frankness. My husband’s analytical brain loves the proof you provide!”

—Ruth H.

“Mark, you are so inspiring and encouraging as my big brother in Christ! I’m always so grateful to our Lord for men like you and how He shapes our hearts to serve Him! I never get tired of your wonderful tools to use in the daily pursuit of souls for Christ! I thank you always for being that gracious balance of Truth wrapped in humble LOVE! Love for our Lord and His children and to share the gospel truth in humility for God’s glory in Christ! Blessings always!”

—Bill B.

“Fifteen or more years ago you spoke at a Men’s retreat that my husband attended. He came home impressed by your message and the books you were giving away. I was curious, began to read your books, and eventually got connected with your newsletters, and now I read each and every one. I am always challenged and inspired by your brave witnessing. God has been using your words and witness to slowly pull me out to be more and more bold for Him. I have recently been handing out gift cards to strangers at Walmart and telling them that God loves them and how He was compelling me to bless them. I just wanted to encourage you that God is using you in a mighty way! And I want to personally say “thank you” for being faithful and a light in this dark world!”

—Delinda I.

“I literally listen to two of your YouTube videos at least one time a year, most years several times. I call these videos my humble pie that I have to eat to get back on track or to simply keep me encouraged on this journey.”

—Wayne M.

“I cannot thank you enough for what you have done in my life. Yes, I prayed, I studied my Bible, went to a Christian church, but NEVER did I realize the urgency of getting the gospel out to as many as possible. I walk the busy forest trail looking for people anytime I am out. I am better and more successful if I get into a personal conversation and then hand out the tract. I am also critical when I see people in their 60s and 70s sitting in group Bible studies. We have to stop cutting bait and get fishing!!!! Keep up the great work!”

—Bill O.

“Mark, I just want to send you a word of encouragement.  I love hearing you speak. I love your mindset on eternity.  You are such an encouragement to me.  You truly encourage me in sharing Jesus.  I would love to hear more sermons from you.  You truly are an encourager. What you have in your life is very rare.  I want it, and I want more people to have it. Good Job!!!! Keep serving!  Keep speaking! Keep witnessing!  Keep God first in your life! May God continue to richly bless you.”

—Nancy B.

“I am a full-time chaplain down in Florida, and you have sent us a bucket load of your books couple of times now. The inmates love them! I am hoping to get more, if that’s possible. We give them free to inmates here, and they almost always ask for more after they’ve read one of them.”

— Chaplain Buddy B.

“I just got out of prison where I was fortunate to be able to read all 7 of your books. You’re a phenomenal writer, especially in your readability. You have a way of writing that is very easy to read and not too technical. I also love the way you come across as just an average Joe. You have relate-ability and humility, and obvious people skills. What I really admire is your passion for witnessing for Our Father and His only Begotten. Also your ministry and how you are igniting that same passion in so many others. God has blessed my spiritual life in a mighty way through your books and I thank Him for it. And I thank you, Mark. I pray you continue to lay up crowns in Heaven, Amen! Thank you!”

—Randall R.

“This was our first time to hear Mark Cahill speak. He has a talent for engaging his listeners that kept us all on the edge of our seats. He has challenged us all to share the gospel with everyone we meet and was a real encouragement. We have already shared with some friends of ours how powerfully his talk impacted our family.”

—Susan J.


Mark, THANK YOU just does not seem adequate enough for the message you brought yesterday, before our witnessing teams headed into Atlanta. Thanks for your faithfulness and encouragement. We at Hillcrest, and every other church represented yesterday, are praying for you!”

—Mike M., Pastor
Hillcrest Church
Acworth, GA

Hello Mr. Mark my name is Caleb Green. During your sermon I was one of the people sitting in the front row on your left. I was enthralled for the third time in my life by the message. The first time was whenever my home church Macedonia received brother Sluggo Norris as our pastor and he preached his first message which started my road of salvation.  The second was the sermon the night I was saved on June 19, 2016.  I got three of your books Sunday after service and am now reading The Watchmen.  So far I love the book and it has lead me to make changes in my personal life. Thank you for giving me an opportunity I would not otherwise have.”

—Caleb G.

“Thank you so much for spending Sunday with us. My youngest daughter, age 10, shared the gospel with three bus drivers that were dropping off tour groups downtown! I’m one of those proud parents you mentioned.”


Thank you so much for speaking to us Sunday morning. It was life changing for me.”

—Pam G.B.

Thank you for joining us at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Sunday morning! Thanks for loving people.”

—Deby T.

Thank you for sharing with us at Hillcrest on Sunday.”  

—Jonathan S.

My wife informed me that we were going to church in DeKalb County this past Sunday. Her cousin and her husband were having their 8-month-old son dedicated. When my wife, Chia, gives me the “and you know we have to be there” eye, I don’t have to ask if she’s sure. I got some khakis and a sweater vest out to be ironed and moved along. There was a reason I was supposed to be at New Life Church in Decatur on Sunday, and it wasn’t just because Chia gave me the stink eye. It was much bigger than that. Much bigger.

Following the dedication ceremony, which by the way was very nice, New Life Senior Pastor Marlin D. Harris introduced the morning’s guest preacher, Mark Cahill. I felt like I knew Cahill from somewhere or at least heard of him. I did; I knew I recognized him but not from what he’s now known for all over the world. Cahill was a member of the Auburn University basketball team from 1981-84, having played on Tigers teams with Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Charles Barkley and Indiana Pacer great Chuck Person.

Years ago, I had done research on those Tigers for a magazine piece and Cahill’s name just so happened to stick with me. He wasn’t a big time SEC player by any stretch of the imagination. He did, however, make a few All-SEC Academic teams, averaging 2.3 points and less than a rebound per game as a senior. Cahill’s greatest moves are being made on stages, at malls, in the streets, and wherever he can as an evangelist.

On Sunday in front of a 99.9 percent African American congregation, Cahill, a 6’7″ white man with a shaved head, told stories and jokes, quoted the Bible, preached the word in a way I had yet to hear in my time on Earth. My mother, God rest her soul in heaven, had my twin brother and I in church every chance she got and I thank her for it every night in my prayers. I’m passing that on to my kids and now I will be passing on parts of Cahill’s testimony as well because his words got me up off my feet.

Sports and faith don’t always find their way into the sports section of a newspaper, especially one in the south. First, church service on Sunday morning, then Falcons football on Sunday afternoon. Everything in its rightful place. For the sake of this column, I wanted to incorporate Cahill’s work and his five books (and counting) into this “sports” column.

What I saw on the stage that morning was a former athlete that found his calling off the court, away from the huge crowds of the Southeastern Conference. Today, Cahill is still performing in front of crowds and changing lives “by having conversations.” He’s changed mine by what I saw and heard from him on Sunday. Hopefully, he’ll read this and get up off his feet for me like I did for his words. I should be so lucky.”

HHJ online—Donnell Suggs
Sports Writer, HHJ
Decatur, GA

I always said if there is one teacher I wanted to have at our church it was Mark Cahill!!!!  God has worked out that opportunity. I can not tell you how excited and honored we are to have Brother Mark!”

—Pastor Mathew
Eastside Community Church
Eastpointe, MI

“We had Mark Cahill come to speak yesterday Speakingin both morning worship services. Over 350 people came back Sunday at 5:00 p.m. for a two hour evangelistic training session. Mark did an excellent job. We cut our music to the bone to give him 50 minutes of preaching time, and it was worth it. I was amazed at the number of people who returned for the training.

“I have sat through a number of evangelistic training courses over the years. Mark’s training was by far the best. He is a great guy (even if he is an Auburn graduate and All-American Academic in basketball early 80s). He is passionate. He is intelligent. He is motivating. He is prepared. He is thoughtful. He is biblical. He loves the Lord, and he loves people enough to share his faith with them.

“Seldom have I taken the time to write an email like this after having a guest preacher/teacher in my church. But I REALLY want you to consider him, because my church needed him, and my guess is that your church does, too.

“You will appreciate this: He brought cartons of books and tracts and CDs. We set up a table and put the books on the table. We put an open box on the table. He told people they could take what they want and give what they want and if anyone had a need, they could take money out of the box. At the end of the day, we closed the box and gave it to Mark, and he is sending more material for us to do the same thing next week. By the way, the material is excellent.

“Mark preached in both services . . . witnessed to several people at Starbucks in the afternoon . . . came back and did the training. He is the real deal. Check out his web site, read one of his books, give him a call, and introduce him to your people. You will be glad you did.”

—Dr. Bob Jolly, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Cumming, Georgia

“Thank you so much for coming to speak at Acts Fellowship Church! It was such a blessing for all of us. There have been many testimonies of people sharing their faith after retreat was over. God bless you, Mark! May the Lord use you even in greater measure in the coming years!”

—Carol L.

“Everyone from a newborn babe in Christ to the 99-year-old saint will be inspired by Mark’s presentation! He is truly a generous individual that is “sold out” to Jesus!”

—Randy Zachry
International ALERT Academy

“Mark was a tremendous speaker for our youth conference! Lives were changed as he showed us first hand how to share and live our faith. Our local restaurant will also never be the same! He made sharing our faith a top priority in the lives of those who heard him speak the truth.”

—Steve Karp
Fraser Road Church of God

“Mark’s message of challenge and seminar on witnessing was a great encouragement for our Church. His personal warmth and sincerity was greatly appreciated as well. I recommend his ministry to any Church.”

—Jerry Berry
Kelview Heights Baptist Church

“After going to a conference a few years ago, I heard you speak. It truly changed the way I looked at sharing the gospel! From that point on, I love to go out and share the good news of Jesus Christ! Now I know that whenever I share, it’s a win-win! As you always say: “Till the nets are full!”

—Mary-Jean D.

“Mark Cahill is the best speaker I know. He writes and speaks to you; and, maybe without even trying because he is so blessed. He makes you feel like you are having a one on one conversation and you just love listening! Then you reach out to him, and he IS there. He won’t like hearing me compare or elevate him. Of all evangelists, Mark is most real, accessible, cordial, polite, and delivers a message in a way nobody else seems today to convey. Mark teaches you that the number one reason to be here on earth is to talk to souls who don’t know where they go when they die. We are supposed to help people get there while we are here. You can’t DO that in Heaven!!! Those who know the truth need to talk to those who don’t know. Fellow believers need convincing to SHARE this message with those who need to hear it. Talking to everyone that needs to hear this message is what believers should do!! Mark gave me books and signed books for me to keep and to give to friends, which is what I have done. As a result, several of my friends have COMPLETELY changed. Friends are talking to others ABOUT the afterlife, and friends are FINALLY pondering something real. Thank you, Mark, for all you do!


“Thank you for your commitment to our Lord and to the Great Commission, Mark. You are a role model that many, many more of us who are Christians need to follow, regarding your faithfulness, your burden for souls, and your kind and friendly heart.”

—Jeff J.

“We just returned from driving 3 hours each way to hear Mark Cahill speak in Bellingham, MA! It really was a great day!! I loaded up the church van with 14 teenagers. They were so inspired!! It was fun to hear the difference in their conversations between their ride to the conference as opposed to their ride home from the conference!! On the way back, the public-school kids were talking to each other about how, in light of eternity, it’s ridiculous to get upset if someone makes fun of you for being a Christian because what really matters is their soul.

“One thing that I really respect about Mark is that he takes the time to talk to each and every person who goes up to him after a conference. He doesn’t just shake their hand and sign their book, and then move on to the next person. He asks about their life and encourages them in their particular area of ministry, and he uses their names. Mark is just as much of a blessing before and after his conferences as he is during!!”

—Linda G.
Pastor’s wife

“First off, I just wanted to say ‘thanks’ for your talk today at YEC on Samford’s campus. We’ve been discussing, with our youth, the struggles of witnessing today and how to witness for the past few weeks. A lot of our youth have struggled finding a good way to witness because most of them have been in church all their lives and don’t have that shocking life-changing story and really didn’t know how best to witness. After your talk, and books as a guide, we are excited to see where it’s going to take them. It really opened all our our eyes, youth leaders as well as youth, to the idea of a conversation instead of a presentation. We thank God for your message this weekend and hope to share some of their and our stories of witness of Jesus to our committee in the near future.

“We pray for the success of your ministry and know that wherever you go, you will be bold in your witness. May God continue to bless and use you.”

—David Hughes, on behalf of our Youth Council
Crawford Road Baptist Church Youth
Phoenix City, Alabama
Terry Johnston Youth Pastor

“For the past ten years my primary ministry responsibility as an elder at Christian Family Chapel in Jacksonville, FL has been the oversight of our outreach/evangelism ministry. Mark Cahill has spoken twice at our church and has been most effective in challenging, motivating and training our congregation to be intentional about sharing the gospel. His books and booklets are excellent resources for our training classes and for personal evangelism. Mark is not only an excellent speaker and author, but he truly has a heart for the lost and leads by example.”

—Frost W., Elder
Christian Family Chapel

“Mark provides a powerful example of what he teaches. And he teaches the need for every Christian to tell all men about God’s love for them in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mark provides a vital message for this day and age that will change the world.”

—Tim Rude, Pastor
Walnut Creek Community Church
Windsor Heights, Iowa

“Mark’s message of challenge and seminar on witnessing was a great encouragement for our Church. His personal warmth and sincerity was greatly appreciated as well. I recommend his ministry to any church.”

—Jerry Berry, Pastor
Kelview Heights Baptist Church
Midland, Texas

“Mark not only exceeded our high expectations here at Racine Bible Church as a speaker, but was even more impressive as a man of God!”

—Racine Bible Church
Sturtevant, Wisconsin

“Mark Cahill’s teaching lit a fire that continues to burn in our church. Our congregation has adopted evangelism as a lifestyle, and it is always a pleasure to hear the various ‘fishing’ stories on Sunday. New souls are being added as our members continue to fish for souls during the week. Mark sowed a seed which is bearing much fruit.”

—Renewal Christian Center
Mitchellville, Maryland

“Mark is the most zealous, bold, and powerful witness for Jesus Christ that I have ever seen. He motivated our church to do the same.”

—Bruce McCartney
Flint Hill Baptist Church, Alabama

“Last night, the FCA Banquet with Mark Cahill was a GREAT success! We managed to double our attendance from last year.”

—Rockmart Adult Chapter Fellowship of Christian Athletes

“Wow!! What a phenomenal messenger of the gospel of Jesus Christ Mark is!! From the time he hit the stage until the time he got off, everyone was glued to this man. We’ve had many great speakers at our Souled Out event, but none compare to the compassion for the lost that Mark Cahill has!!! I would refer him to anyone on this planet!!!”

—Joe Cotton
SOULED OUT Youth Ministry

“Mark Cahill is a very generous and humble man who glorifies God with his lifestyle. He truly lives what he preaches. His sincerity of faith won the hearts of every audience. He is passionate about the heartbeat of God. His conviction to reach the lost compelled many of us to allow our love for God to trump our fear of man. Mark really leads by example. He has become a part of our family here in Hawaii. We are truly grateful to God that He allowed us to meet Mark on this side of eternity.”

—Linda R.
Honolulu, Hawaii

“What an amazing weekend for all of us here at Fraser Road Church. You will never know the impact you have had on us. God used you to convict, inspire, motivate, and move us deeper. I will never forget the phrase…“it is a conversation NOT a presentation.” That really freed me up!!! What a breath of fresh air to hear a man of God who is not afraid to speak the truth, challenge us even when it hurts, and do more than just entertain and move on.”

—Rick Webb, Pastor
—Steve Karp, Youth Pastor
Fraser Road Church of God
Kawkawlin, Michigan

“All of us who attended are talking about his commitment to Christ and were not only challenged, but put to shame as well for not doing much in the area of witnessing. He made a great impact on our lives, and many said they had never met anyone who has blessed them so much through the Word.”

—David Chigurupati
The Telugu Christian Fellowship of New Jersey

“Mark’s messages not only challenge, they also have an important and effective blend of two elements: 1) An ability to equip the saints, and 2) A clarifying of counter-cultural biblical convictions that the body of Christ in America desperately needs.”

—Harold Mally, Elder
Cedar Rapids Bible Chapel, Iowa

“We appreciate Mark sharing how God has worked through him and his resources. Our students and adults were inspired to be more vocal with sharing their faith with friends and strangers. Mark left us with excellent resources and our community was impacted by his visit.”

—Denis Tanner, Associate Pastor
Shades Crest Baptist

“Mark Cahill challenged us to talk about the most important thing that any conversation can possibly be about: What happens after we take our last breath. Loved having Mark with us and look forward to our paths crossing again.”

—CE National

“This was a transformational event for our church! Thank you for your assistance and we will definitely work with you again in the future, and we’ll recommend Mark enthusiastically to others, too!”

—Grace Point Church
New Brighton, Minnesota

“We had a top-notch experience with Mark. Our students were riveted with Mark’s presentation, and he demonstrated a strong desire to connect with us where we were at in our training.”

—Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC)

“He has intensity and a passion for his message, and he charged and challenged our group to be bold!!”

—Idlewood Baptist Church

“Mark not only exceeded our high expectations here at Racine Bible Church as a speaker, but was even more impressive as a man of God! He was able to minister to the rich and famous at the ballpark as well as the unemployed of our community. A great experience!”

—Wayne Beilgard, Associate Pastor of Evangelism and Discipleship
Racine Bible Church
Chaplain for the Milwaukee Brewers

“Mark Cahill talk definitely sparked a fire for witnessing into the hearts of GIFTED members! His presentation style is that of boldness, call to action, and humor that engages the audience from beginning to end!”

—Gifted Ministry

“If I wanted a bunch of teenagers or adults to get excited about sharing their faith in Jesus, I would seek out Mark Cahill to do the job. I have never encountered a man so totally sold out to his Lord than Mark. He, unlike many speakers and authors, walks the talk. He has spent hours with my high school group walking the streets and sharing his faith. They have caught his fire and passion for the lost simply by being around him and listening to his teaching. “No waitress, store owner, or airline passenger sneaks under the radar of Mark Cahill. The man is a bold witness 24/7. He is on a personal, passionate mission to make sure everyone hears the gospel. He can motivate the most recent believer, shy personality, or biblical illiterate to share his faith and do it with joy and power. We need more Mark Cahills to stir us to action, to encourage us to proclaim Jesus anywhere, anytime, and to anyone.”

—Richard King Youth Pastor
Mountain Park First Baptist Church
Stone Mountain, Georgia

“God used Mark Cahill in a great way to encourage us in sharing our faith, both with friends/family and strangers. His example of living out an authentic passion for the lost and his commitment to bless others, saved and unsaved alike, was extraordinary and awakening/energizing. We are so grateful for Mark’s time with us.”

—East White Oak Bible Church

“Mark is on fire for God and made no excuses for what he believes that we are all called to evangelize!! Would love to have him again sometime in the future.”

—Bearcreek Community Church Youth

“Our event was exceptional, Mark is TRULY a man after God’s heart. I would recommend him for any event that is looking to hear God’s truth. Thank you Speaker’s Bureau for being the facilitators of God’s vessel, and remember that Jesus says to “Go and make disciples,” not “sit and wait.” We are to spread the “Good News” to the uttermost ends of the earth by being fishers of men and not keepers of the aquarium.”

—Paul M Wilbur
SJVMM Board Member

“Mark Cahill has become the favorite speaker at our Summit camps and conferences, but it’s not because his teaching is fascinating (it is). Nor is it because his approach to evangelism eliminates fear and inspires confidence (it does). Mark is top notch because he’s the real deal. He walks the talk. He has challenged me personally to share my faith in all I do, all the time. I’ve accepted the challenge and hope you will too.”

—Jeff Myers, Ph.D. Director
The Summit Asst. Prof. of Communication Arts
Bryan College

“Mark Cahill is one of the most zealous and passionate Christians I know. He reminds me of what the early Christians must have been like as they spread this good news of the gospel. Mark doesn’t fit in the conventional, comfortable church because he is not conventional and he is not comfortable. Praise the Lord. Perhaps the best part is that his zeal is contagious and I have witnessed its effect in many settings. Everyone is challenged; many are never the same again.”

—Sherri McCready, Director
Choice Lifestyle Ministries

“In my many years as a faculty member at Summit Ministries, Mark Cahill, more than any other speaker was able to motivate and capture the students’ hearts for a life of evangelism. His contagious excitement about reaching the lost for Christ will undoubtedly “infect” you as you read this book, and you will experience a new vigor for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

—Dr. Jobe Martin, President
Biblical Discipleship Ministries
Rockwall, Texas

“Mark Cahill had a stunning impact on our student body. His passion for evangelism and his ability to communicate effective principles is unparalleled. We were inspired and changed, students and staff alike. Mark is amazingly real. This message must be heard!”

—Eric Morris, Principal
Timothy Christian School
Piscataway, New Jersey

“Mark Cahill is a gift to the whole body of Christ! Mark is a modern-day soul winner who walks his talk and teaches others to do the same. I am never as challenged to win souls as I am when I am around him, listening to him or reading his material. This material and bold approach are anointed and will help get Christendom back to its primary purpose to seek and to save that which was lost. Read and apply every word.”

—Mark N. Shaner, Youth Pastor
Central Community Church
Wichita, Kansas

“In Ephesians 5:16, we’re told to make the most of every opportunity. I’ve been on staff with FCA for 15 years and had no idea how many witnessing opportunities I was passing by until I met Mark Cahill. Lots of folks have great intentions, but Cahill is truly an example of an individual who makes the most of every opportunity. He is the poster boy for one-on-one evangelism! His countless stories and real-life illustrations will shame you and challenge you to begin seizing the everyday opportunities to comfortably speak out for our Lord Jesus Christ.”

—Steve Wigginton
Kentuckiana Area Director
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

“Mark Cahill’s burden for lost souls, his fervor and passion for all ages to know Christ personally, is unsurpassed. His presentation of evangelism is powerful, motivating, and most importantly, Christ-like.”

—Dan McMillan, Principal
Loganville Christian Academy
Loganville, Georgia

“Mark has a burning compassion for souls like I have seldom witnessed! He has a unique way of challenging people as well as equipping them to share their faith.”

—Joe Wright, Pastor
Central Christian Church
Wichita, Kansas