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Media Interviews
Many of the same topics that are covered in Mark Cahill’s books are presented here in an interesting and conversational forum. Be encouraged as you listen to him give sound reasons for your faith that will equip you to answer the questions of others.
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Choosing Life God’s Way – Part 2 New!
Choosing Life God’s Way – Part 1 New!
Watchmen as Witnesses – Part 2
Watchmen as Witnesses – Part 1
Evangelize, Evangelize, Evangelize – Part 2
People have questions; believers have answers. Giving them God’s gospel truth is the key that can set the lost and searching soul free!
Part 2 – Listen
Evangelize, Evangelize, Evangelize – Part 1
What is the key that ignites the powerhouse of the Christian life? Be encouraged to boldly live for Jesus and reach the lost!
Part 1 – Listen
One Heartbeat Away
The Flames! The Flames!
The Red Silver Dollar
Today is the Day
How should we respond when truth impacts our heart? Do we dare wait to make the decision our eternal destiny depends on?
How Can Something Come From Nothing?
When it comes to the questions of origins, everybody believes something? But what do the facts say?
What Is Macro Evolution
When it comes to the questions of origins, everybody believes something. But what do the facts say?
Share Your Faith
Find out what is the most important part of living and why God has God left you on planet earth!