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My wife informed me that we were going to church in DeKalb County this past Sunday. Her cousin and her husband were having their 8-month-old son dedicated. When...
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Donnell Suggs
My wife informed me that we were going to church in DeKalb County this past Sunday. Her cousin and her husband were having their 8-month-old son dedicated. When my wife, Chia, gives me the “and you know we have to be there” eye, I don’t have to ask if she’s sure. I got some khakis and a sweater vest out to be ironed and moved along. There was a reason I was supposed to be at New Life Church in Decatur on Sunday, and it wasn’t just because Chia gave me the stink eye. It was much bigger than that. Much bigger. Following the dedication ceremony, which by the way was very nice, New Life Senior Pastor Marlin D. Harris introduced the morning’s guest preacher, Mark Cahill. I felt like I knew Cahill from somewhere or at least heard of him. I did; I knew I recognized him but not from what he’s now known for all over the world. Cahill was a member of the Auburn University basketball team from 1981-84, having played on Tigers teams with Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Charles Barkley and Indiana Pacer great Chuck Person. Years ago, I had done research on those Tigers for a magazine piece and Cahill’s name just so happen to stick with me. He wasn’t a big time SEC player by any stretch of the imagination — he did, however, make a few All-SEC Academic teams, averaging 2.3 points and less than a rebound per game as a senior. Cahill’s greatest moves are being made on stages, at malls, in the streets and wherever he can as an evangelist. On Sunday in front of a 99.9 percent African American congregation, Cahill, a 6’7″ white man with a shaved head, told stories and jokes, quoted the Bible, preached the word in a way I had yet to hear in my time on Earth. My mother, God rest her soul in heaven, had my twin brother and I in church every chance she got and I thank her for it every night in my prayers. I’m passing that on to my kids and now I will be passing on parts of Cahill’s testimony as well because his words got me up off my feet. Sports and faith don’t always find their way into the sports section of a newspaper, especially one in the south. First, church service on Sunday morning, then Falcons football on Sunday afternoon. Everything in its rightful place. For the sake of this column, I wanted to incorporate Cahill’s work and his five books (and counting) into this “sports” column. What I saw on the stage that morning was a former athlete that found his calling off the court, away from the huge crowds of the Southeastern Conference. Today, Cahill is still performing in front of crowds and changing lives “by having conversations.” He’s changed mine by what I saw and heard from him on Sunday. Hopefully, he’ll read this and get up off his feet for me like I did for his words. I should be so lucky.”
Donnell Suggs
Donnell Suggs
Sports Writer, HHJ Decatur, GA

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Mark Cahill

2010-Feb-Mark-Cahill-Okinawa-(4)-3Mark Cahill has a business degree from Auburn University, where he was a two-time Honorable Mention Academic All-American in basketball. After spending a few years in the business world, he surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ and asked God to place him where he could touch as many lives as possible. Within a year, he was teaching school. Although Mark planned to teach for the rest of his life, God moved him from teaching at a Christian high school to devoting a year to full-time evangelism. He then embarked on a speaking career.2010-Feb-Mark-Cahill-Okinawa-cropped-(6)

Speaking to thousands each year at churches, retreats, conferences, camps, and more, Mark equips and challenges the saved to go out and reach the lost. As one of his former students has said, “He’s still teaching, but in a much bigger classroom.”

While he loves encouraging audiences, his true vocation is witnessing whether at malls, music and art festivals, beaches, sporting events, bar sections of towns” wherever the lost can be found. His real-lifechinese-man-1 witnessing stories testify to the impact he has on both the lost and the saved, and demonstrate the hand God can have in the lives of all Christians.

Mark is the best-selling author of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and One Heartbeat Away, which have been translated into over 13 languages. He has also authored The Watchmen and his two novels, Paradise and Reunion, which bring his combined evangelistic materials to over 1.4 million in print. Mark is grateful that God is using him to equip believers to reach the lost now!

Mark currently resides in Stone Mountain, Georgia.Japanese-students-1