
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Challenging Others

Feb 1, 2005

Proverbs 27:17

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

One of the really fun things of following our Lord is the way He grows you to become more like Him. The journey to become like Him is so well worth it. He will always use His Bible in that process. He will also use followers of His that will challenge you along the way to become who God wants you to be.

I want you to read the following testimonies that we have gotten about the book that I wrote. These came into the ministry in just the past week. And then at the end of these, I am going to make a very interesting point.

Before I read “One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven,” I had only witnessed about two or three times. But now, I realize the horrific state of most people around the world, and I’m terrified for the millions who will go to Hell. I have seen that I was wrong to not witness.

The early Christians witnessed wherever they went, non-stop! If only we, today, could be like them! I don’t have my license yet, but once I do, I want to go on trips to the mall specifically to witness. I also look for opportunities to witness to people during the extra-curricular activities that we do.

Your book took away my fear of witnessing. I must admit, I still am a little afraid and nervous when I witness, especially with people that I know, but I know that God is with me and that it is better for me to lose a friend and make an enemy if I have planted at least a seed.

I have loaned my copy of “One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven” to my youth pastor, and I want to loan it to others, too! I hardly read non-fiction, but I couldn’t put your book down! It is exciting and life-changing. It grabbed my attention, convicted me, then gave me wonderful tools to witness. It is my second favorite book, besides the Bible.

I praise God that He led you to write it! If every Christian could somehow get a copy and read it, revival would sweep through the world! God is using you, and I thank Him for you.

The second:

Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven.” Of all the evangelism books I’ve read, I do believe yours gets right to the point, hits the nail square on the head, and leaves the reader with no excuse not to do what the Lord has commanded us to do.

And the third story:

Your book truly changed my life. It opened my eyes. One of my friends gave me his copy to read. I read it within 2 days and it has changed me. God used that tool he made through you in such a big way on me.

I am a sophomore in high school in Norfolk, NE and this year has been one of the best for me. I had been drawing nearer to my Almighty God this year, but I was still living a mediocre faith. I read you book and the Holy Spirit just dumped it on me.

Never has my drawing to my Best Friend and Brother in Battle, Jesus Christ, been so great. Your book started the revival of my heart and soul as a warrior for my God. I do believe that so many Christians out there today believe that evangelism is an optional part and it isn’t. I also believe that evangelism is one of the frontlines of the spiritual battle. I’m glad to tell you that I’ve joined the battle at 16 years old [and] I have never felt so alive.

I couldn’t care less what this world says of me and I’m willingly ready to give my life for Christ as He gave His for me. It’s such a humbling thought that He chose me, He chose me, I did not choose him.

I have always dreamed of being a warrior since I was a child and now I can finally say that I am taking steps to be a warrior of Christ. Since your book I have read many others, but yours started the chain. The spiritual growth I feel from just being in tune with my God is astounding.

Proverbs 18:24 says,

“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”

God sends us friends in this lifetime. The best friend that we can ever have is Jesus Himself. As we journey through this life, God will send friends to us that are solid brothers in the Lord. Sometimes they will even feel closer than an earthly brother or sister. And God will send them many times to you to give you some godly advice.

The question is, will you listen?

Jeff Myers from Summit Ministries told me one time that I needed to write a book. He said I had some great teaching that needed to be in book format so I could leave it with people after I spoke at a conference, or with them personally.

I thought about it, and put it on the back burner.

A few months later, I was talking with another friend on the telephone. Every time we talked, he asked me to tell him a witnessing story about someone I have chatted with. On the phone that day, he told me that I needed to write a book to get these stories out to other people.

In a kind of prideful way, I told him, that I made only four B’s in college, and they were all in English! I said I was not a writer. I could literally feel him sit up in his chair, even though he was across the country, and tell me in a loving, stern way, “Mark, if God wants to write a book through you, He will. You need to start writing a book.”

I knew by the way he said that, that he cared for me to always be following the lead of Almighty God. The next day, I began to type my book into a computer.

Those testimonies that you read above and the tons of other ones that we have received about how the Lord is using that book in their lives in such a powerful way, all are happening because two men of God challenged me to write that book to glorify God’s name and to further His kingdom.

Are you listening to the followers of Jesus that God puts in your life? True followers of the King always have great advice and counsel to give you. They want to help you see all that God has for you. Of course, always make sure what they say lines up with the Word of God.

It also is a good prayer that you, too, would be that type of brother in your friend’s lives, so God can speak to them through you. Glorify God in all you do, and leave the results up to Him.

Until the nets are full,

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