
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Soldiers Don’t Blush

Aug 1, 2005

1 Peter 3:12-15

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

It is that great time of the year once again, when summer ends and school begins. Now some of you may disagree with that since you might be the one going back to school! Remember, if you are a student, your job is not to go back to school and just take up space. If you are a parent or one who influences our youth, your job is not to send just a student back to school. Students going back to school need to return as warriors for Jesus Christ.

This is what we are so desperately missing today, those who will boldly stand for Jesus in the coming day, warriors that are equipped and ready to go to battle. They are soul winners amongst the lost. They are ready to defend the hope that is in them and share with friends that they know Jesus is the only hope.

One group of college students from Campus Crusade for Christ did their summer project in New Jersey. They didn’t want to leave their love for Jesus only in New Jersey. They ended up getting my book, One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven, and now it is in the hands of each college student from their group. Why? They want those students equipped to be a light for Jesus Christ when they get back to college. I am so thankful for that. I am saved today because the Holy Spirit used four people at Auburn University to witness to me as He was drawing me to the cross.

One Fellowship of Christian Athletes retreat group decided to go through my book before any of the high school students go to their high school campuses. They are doing this because they want to make an eternal difference this year.

One youth group ordered 7 cases of books the other day. They are having all of the youth participate in a book study. Then, their goal is to put it into practice as they go back to high school this fall.

One Dad told me that as his sons began to witness and he noticed three things begin to happen. First, witnessing drove his kids to the Bible because they wanted to know more about this God that they were sharing. Second, it drove them to their knees, since the more you witness, the more you want to pray. And third, it drove them away from the sin that so easily entangled them. When we are doing the Lord’s work, sin does not even compare to what we see God do.

There are now over 115,000 copies of the book, One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven, somewhere in the world. It has been translated into Russian and will be translated into Chinese by the end of the year. The translation into Spanish has just started. To God be the glory. I was so confident that this book would do well, I ordered 10,000 the first time and then wondered what I would do with the 5,000 I would be stuck with! Ye of little faith.

One lady said recently,

I like your book so much, I am giving it to my friends at my birthday party. Keep up the good work!

One guy said,

Thank you for your ministry. I took part in an evangelism workshop at my church where I received a copy of your book. It changed my life. I’m ashamed to say that I have been a Christian for about 6 years and never really witnessed much. After reading your book I went from being a layabout to a laborer. Thanks again.

One lady wrote the ministry and stated,

Thank you so much for enlightening me in a whole new way. I have been a Christian for 30 years and I feel I have wasted 30 years by not witnessing like I could have. Being good and working in the church, leading the youth, women’s ministries, teaching Sunday school has been nothing. Now I know what I need to be doing. Thank you for doing what all you do for Jesus. I want to get me some tracts and get busy sowing seeds and witnessing to those around me.

The book is still available in book stores around the country or you can get them by submitting a request via this website.

The old hymn “ Am I a Soldier of the Cross” states, “Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name?

This is no time to blush when speaking the name of Jesus. Be equipped and equip others to be warriors for Jesus who win souls. You will not regret it here or on judgment day.

Until the nets are full,

Signature box repaired

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