From time to time, people will write in with their ideas for how to reach the lost. Some of those ideas are great and ones that we’ve never heard before. When we receive new ideas like hers, we want to share them with you so you can add them to your arsenal of witnessing tools. Read how Linda engages people in conversation. Her goal, as ours, is to move someone toward the truth they need to consider so they can be saved:
Hello, Mark,
I know that you are always looking for a new angle to engage non-believers in conversation. Here is a suggestion: Ask a person what the three most important days that they can remember are.
If they are a believer, one of those days should be the day that they accepted Christ as their Savior.
If they are not a believer, here are some of the answers I have been getting:
The day I had my child.
The day I graduated from college.
The day I made it through boot camp.
The day that I landed the great job.
The day I retired.
Depending on the answer you get, you can tell where their heart is.
And hopefully, the person will turn the question back at you so you can brag on Jesus!!
Till the nets are full!
Asking questions to get conversations started and keep them moving toward the gospel is very important. Questions help the person you’re talking with to think about what they believe and why they believe it.
When you’re in a conversation, as Linda mentions, many times people will turn your questions back on you because they want to hear your take on the subject. When they do, it becomes an open door to witness to them. You can explain what Jesus has done for you and what He wants to do for them! But, if someone is saved and the day of their salvation is not in their top three most important days, then sirens should be going off in your head.
2 Corinthians 6:2
(…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Until the Nets are Full,
P.S. Greg owns and operates an RV park and uses his business to glorify the Lord. He has given out cases and cases of our booklets over the years. He sent in the following pictures with the following comment, “I found two of these six miles down the road from our RV park. I guess we could say that this seed fell on the stony path.”
These are great pics! What do they mean? They mean either the first page of the booklet was so convicting that the person reading it had to get rid of it, or the other 1,000 booklets that Greg has given out are being read by someone right now somewhere in America! Praise ye the Lord! God is good. Keep serving Him!
If you are a business owner like Greg, you likely interact with lots of people during the day. We want to encourage you to use your opportunities with customers, contractors, and others who connect with your business to reach them for the Lord as well.