Have you ever been jolted awake? Like maybe you were sleeping and then all of a sudden, you were awakened to find that your dream didn’t come true, or perhaps, like Don, it did. We received this really neat email from him that explains what happened to him the other night:
Hi Mark,
I had a huge evening. My daughter is finally getting into living “the faith” and giving out the MCTs (Mark Cahill Tracts).
So there I was, fast asleep “in bed” with Fox News playing at 1 a.m. (I was probably dreaming of giving the gospel to someone with Mark Cahill). Then I heard a little voice…. I looked over, and it was my daughter saying, “Do you want to give out granola bars?”
Well, we had a snowstorm in Vancouver and traffic was not moving. People had been stranded for hours. My 18-year-old says, “Let’s go pass out some Mark Cahill tracts along with some goodies to the stranded cars.”
Wow! Although I was getting over the flu, I became supercharged. This was the first time she has taken the initiative to share the gospel.
It is huge to have an 18-year-old who wants to share the gospel and is not drifting from the faith after a year and a half of being in a university.
The picture is of my sweetie holding a Mark Cahill Paradise tract.
Love you, Mark,
Don was so excited about his daughter’s bold move that he mentioned it again, “This was her first initiative. That is why I was so happy.”
I have heard some parents say that one of their greatest joys is seeing their sons or daughters being saved and then really, really serving the Lord. Just going for it. Sharing their faith. Being bold. Standing strong for Jesus and not backing down.
Colossians 3:23,24
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Keep raising kids like these in Canada, the U.S., and all around the world. They are needed more today than at any other time in history.
Until the Nets are Full,
P.S. Our Tracts and Tract Bundles continue to be on sale for 25% off the suggested donation amount. Be ready, like Don and his daughter were, to reach the lost, the stranded, and those who need to understand the way of salvation in Christ!
P.P.S. Something is wrong, y’all. Something is way, way wrong: