
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

College Ministry Fair

Feb 25, 2023


How is it possible for someone to be in their 80’s and still be reaching the lost and equipping the saints? It is actually pretty easy. Just start being a soul winner from the moment you get saved! Simple.

Here is a great story from Jo Anna, who is in her 80’s and is finishing the race well:

Hey, Big Guy!! 

Got a call late this afternoon from a young lady in my Bible study group. She works at Eckerd College – in what capacity, I don’t know! But she is good friends with the lady who is in charge of the Christian programs there. The Christian lady is having a “ministry” fair at the college tonight. She asked my young lady if she knew where she could get some Christian books to have available for the students who will be attending! When my friend called me and asked about the books, guess who looked like superman getting out of the phone booth to save the day!! Correcto!! It was me getting Mark Cahill’s books galore boxed up for the event!! My young lady’s husband just left with them, and boy was he impressed! In fact, as he was putting them in the car, I could see him picking one up and thumbing through it!! I hope he doesn’t stop and read them all but gets them to the event!!

I’ll let you know how it goes!! Guess which book makes up the most of them in the bunch….right again….my personal favorite…One Heartbeat Away!!! 

Love you bunches, Mark!! Thank Jesus for giving us Mark Cahill!! 

In Jesus,
Jo Anna
Because of Jesus I know three things: life is not futile, failure is not fatal, and death is not final!


Jo Anna had an amazing husband who was known as “Brother Woody.” He is with Jesus now. He ran a prison ministry called “Mission Possible.” We always blessed them with books to send to prisoners. They have impacted more lives than you will ever know! She continues to have our books ready to go and to send out to prisoners, which is why she had them ready to go to give to the lady who needed them. Remember, we must also be ready to go.

I was in line at a coffee shop recently and bought coffee for the ladies behind me. You don’t want to miss an opportunity like that when four of the six are wearing hijabs!! I got to give all of them books or booklets. They liked it when I pointed out the Islam section in The Second Greatest Lie. As soon as I did, two ladies reached out their hand to take it. Of course, Paradise was a big hit since they believe in Paradise and Hellfire. One lady took One Heartbeat Away and just kept scanning it and dog-earring the pages, right there in line! It was kind of crazy. She was very interested in the evolution section because she had a science job.

John 4:34-36

Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth.

Remember: Plant seeds, plant seeds, plant seeds everywhere you go! 

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S.  We want to thank all of you out there for helping to make this milestone of one million One Heartbeat Away books in print a reality. Think of all the people you’ve reached with the gospel. Think of how the Lord has used you to impact the world around you with truth.

The world is growing darker by the day, but the Light of the World shines ever brighter in you and to those you meet! Truly, we are humbled, grateful, thrilled, and anxious to meet the souls you’ve reached this side of Heaven once we get to the other side! Keep speaking up and staying bold!





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Walking in Truth