
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Male Intuition

Boom! I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I just knew it was the start of something that was not going to be edifying or make my life better. Boy, how wrong I was! When I got rear-ended last month, it hurt. I now officially know what it means to experience...
Failure Is Not Fatal

Failure Is Not Fatal

We all mess up in life at one time or another. And most all of us want to be forgiven of those wrongs. Sin injures people, and it injures God. When others offend us, the Lord wants to demonstrate His character of love and charity through us. After reading about the...

Standing Up for What You Believe

We received this email from a pastor friend. He was a United Methodist pastor standing strong on the Word of God. The Methodist denomination has had problems in recent decades with issues like women pastors, homosexuality, abortion, and more. Those practices have...

Humility in the Courtroom

Judge Tammy Kemp, who presided over the Botham Jean murder case, explains what happened in the courtroom after the guilty verdict was rendered. Never before had she seen a victim’s family, a defendant’s family, and both legal teams break out in tears and...

Bold Witness for Christ

If a police officer shot and killed your brother, would you have this much forgiveness in you? Bothem Jean was shot and killed by police officer Amber Guyger. The ruling in the case was delivered last week. It’s a tragedy on many fronts, but his surviving...