I had a friend pose a question to me. He asked, “Do you think it is biblical to invite lost people into fellowship with believers?” What I want you to do is hit “Reply” to this newsletter and let me know how you would answer his question. Remember to support your...
Until the nets are full, P.S. Speaking of not being moved and being a beacon of light in this lost and dying world, the following comment is amazing. Giving someone a copy of our booklet, “One Second After You…,” can help them pass into eternity safely. It is full of...
Diego is on fire—the right kind of fire. I know Buck, the gentleman Diego refers to. He and his wife heard me speak years ago. Buck is a faithful soldier for the Lord. He is always handing tracts out. ALWAYS. He is always opening up his mouth and talking to people...
I got a neat email from a chaplain at a Detention Center today. I thought you might enjoy reading it: As a quick introduction, I am the lead chaplain at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center. When I arrived eight months ago, the only reading material available to...
Another year has passed by, which means the coming year is another great opportunity to read through the entire Word of God! I read the Bible from front to back every year. A friend of mine reads it front to back twice each year. There are various reading plans out...
I received a letter from a friend of the ministry earlier this year. I asked Chuck if we could use part of what he wrote in a newsletter, and he said it was fine with him. Here is what he had to say: We went through some heavy stuff in the last 8 weeks. My dad died in...