
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.


Sep 6, 2024

Monday’s newsletter was about Pastor Sheryl Walls’ funeral (https://markcahill.org/easy-peasy/). While I was at his funeral, I ran into a gentleman from church who I had not seen in a while. It was good catching up. He let me know that he had written a couple of books, and then he gave them to me. I love to read, so I cracked one of them open just a couple of days later.

It was a nice, quick read, but….  Three statements in his book caught me off guard—way off guard. We teach QEQE: Question Everything, Question Everybody. Remember how Pastor Sheryl could spot false teachings a mile away? The same thing applied here. If you know your Bible, many times, false teachings just jump off of the page when you run across them.

So, I emailed him to ask a few questions. I might have misinterpreted what he meant since it was written in story format. I was just seeking clarification.

Watch this video. I shared it with him and then asked him a simple question about it.


I asked him, “Is this biblical?” He responded that it was.

Then I asked him if he thought the following video was biblical, too:


He wouldn’t answer the question, even though he had gone to this man’s church at one time!

So, let me help you out: Both of these videos show completely unbiblical practices. It is total foolishness and a mockery of what a church service is supposed to be. They mock God’s true miracle of men speaking in known languages in the first century to communicate the gospel to people not from Israel.

Show me anywhere in the Bible where you see anything like these practices.

And if this were truly biblical tongues, which it is not, where are the interpreters for those “tongues”? They are nowhere to be found.

And where in the Bible do you see men of God hissing like serpents? Maybe study the word “serpent” in the Bible and see where it leads.

Part of the problem is that once someone thinks a teacher is safe, that teacher can lead them into all kinds of demonic practices and teachings. And who do you think is laughing about that?

1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

What you would have seen in those videos, if people were truly testing the spirits, is everyone in that place stand up, walk out, and never go back. But in the Christian world, we are doing what the world does in the secular world. We have created idols. And we follow those idols wherever they take us.

The word fool, or a derivation of that word, shows up 189 times in the Bible. Look up a few of them. You never want to fall into the category of being a fool or being foolish.

All roads don’t lead to truth. Be careful about the roads you are walking down. And, if it is time to take the off ramp from one of those roads, go for it today. You will not regret it in the long run.

Until the nets are full,


P.P.S.  Do you need to find a good book to study this fall? Do you need help to develop skills for discussing the gospel with friends, family, and the people you meet? One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven can help you do just that! Click on the link below to pick up a copy of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and start building your confidence today! They are still $7.50 per bookwhich is a 50% off savings!


P.P.P.S. Are you fired up?  Are you keeping the big picture in view?

“Mark, you have really inspired me. I love your books and speaking style.
Your passion and hearing you speak about Jesus reignites the fire in my spirit.
I read One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven yearly to fire me up to reach the lost.”
— Brittany P.

“When I envision standing before the throne of God one day,
how I will wish I would have shared Him a whole lot more than I ever did here on earth.
Your book, One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven,  ignites a fire in my heart and a burden for the lost as I continue reading it.
I have decided to step up and have the courage, confidence, boldness,
and love for Jesus Christ to reach this very lost and perishing world.”
— Mia

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