
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Bold Witness for Christ

If a police officer shot and killed your brother, would you have this much forgiveness in you? Bothem Jean was shot and killed by police officer Amber Guyger.  The ruling in the case was delivered last week. It’s a tragedy on many fronts, but his surviving...

What If? Tract Sale

What if you were traveling down the road of life with no idea you had the wrong answer for eternity? What if you had never heard the right answer for salvation? Wouldn’t you want to know? The intersections on the highway of life are our opportunities to give...

“What Are You Reading?”

So I decided to get my teeth cleaned. I heard it is a good thing to do every ten or twelve years. My old dentist got old, so I prayed about finding a new one. Well, I found one near me who had some good prices. The day came, and I decided to head off on a new...

Straddling the Fence

 As you follow the Lord, we want to encourage and challenge you to exercise discernment. If the Bereans used the Word of God as their standard of truth, shouldn’t we do the same? Should we partner with false teachers or expose them?  You decide: Acts...

Let’s Make a Deal

We got a lot of feedback from last week’s newsletter, “He Made the Airplane So Cheap for Me, I Couldn’t Help But Buy It!” which was about the false teachings on TBN and the video about Kenneth...