
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

In My Father’s Hands

In My Father’s Hands

One thing I really love to read is what people have to say when they brag about their parents. It is heartwarming to see the bond that develops between parent and child when parenting is done well. I was reading the eulogy given by this lady who bragged about her...

I’m Hatin’ It!

While walking at the park today, I ran into a mom and her two kids who were really nice and friendly to me. Kind of weird. Then, the other day, a waiter was super kind. Exemplary service. I am sure he just wanted a good tip. And, today, a guy in my neighborhood, who...
Put Your Cap On

Put Your Cap On

If you ever get interested in hats, you will find that there are so many different styles and histories for them. One of the more famous hats is a Newsboy Cap. Now, this is not a Flat Cap! Those are different, and, of course, hat people know that. A Newsboy Cap is...
Chatting It Up

Chatting It Up

Ever wonder if you’re making a difference as you give out truth? One mom, who stepped up her witnessing lately, has been wondering the same thing. Whenever a new order of books arrives, she gets concerned about who she is going to give them to. Then the Holy...