In Monday’s newsletter, we discussed the book Catholic Myths by Charles Zonca and touched on two foundational pillars of Roman Catholicism: Apostolic Succession and Transubstantiation. These two teachings of Roman Catholicism lend support to still other...
A couple of the real joys in life are soul winning and reading. And one of the good things about them is combining the two. When you pick up a book that helps you with your soul winning, it shows you how valuable reading really is. Catholic Myths by Charles Zonca is...
 I received this video the other day. A friend of mine decided to pick up his game. Step it up a bit. Wow! Makes me want to do some more grocery shopping! 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be...
I read this article recently and was fascinated by it and disheartened by it at the same time. The article includes a video where Ph.D. biologist Bret Weinstein interviews Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, alongside...
We received this nice comment from Will in response to one of our recent newsletters: “I’m meeting with the pastor of my church on Sunday to see who he thinks Jesus really is. My church is a Unity church where most people see Jesus as on par with Buddha...