
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Straddling the Fence

 As you follow the Lord, we want to encourage and challenge you to exercise discernment. If the Bereans used the Word of God as their standard of truth, shouldn’t we do the same? Should we partner with false teachers or expose them?  You decide: Acts...

Let’s Make a Deal

We got a lot of feedback from last week’s newsletter, “He Made the Airplane So Cheap for Me, I Couldn’t Help But Buy It! which was about the false teachings on TBN and the video about Kenneth Copeland...

Today is the Day of Salvation – Feedback

  Click Here to Watch the Video      We received a lot of feedback on our new talk, Today is the Day of Salvation. Thanks for all of your responses. We are glad to hear it struck a chord with so many of you and with the people you have passed it along...