
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Blessing Guatemala

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have to read this email we received and take a look at the pictures because they have to do with you: Hey, Mark!! I had the privilege to return to Guatemala with a new shipment of Bibles and literature. I had a few Spanish cases of...

Take a Look at These!

A friend of the ministry sent me a package with some Scripture verses and gift cards in it. Take a look at these!! 2 Samuel 22:33 God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.  There is a strong possibility that I will be driving to...
Bible First or Bible Second?

Bible First or Bible Second?

I wrote a newsletter a few months ago on the topic of the moon (https://markcahill.org/ask-for-the-moon/). Many thanks to all of you for your responses to that newsletter. One of the things I was looking for was whether people would defend their points from...

Running Out of Time

  What an amazing email we received from Bill a few weeks ago! Bill loves Jesus. Bill is bold. Bill wants to see people in Heaven. You are in for a real treat in the following story as you read about how God used Bill in the life of one of his clients: Hi, Mark, I...

Is Your Name Registered?

Tragedies have a way of getting our attention and waking us up to things we didn’t take seriously beforehand. In Jo’s case, tragedy woke her up to the urgency of witnessing. She contacted the ministry and I sent her a parcel in England. She now knows how important it...