
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Giving Depression the Boot

Giving Depression the Boot

I received this nice note from Wesley on a book order the other day: We are already out of tracts. Amen! There is absolute joy in serving Jesus. The cure for depression is biblical evangelism. That God would save us and use us to proclaim his word to the world—I’m...
The Cost of Discipleship

The Cost of Discipleship

Thanks for the feedback you gave us on the “Go with the Flow” newsletter (https://markcahill.org/go-with-the-flow/) that we ran last week. It actually came from a “Disciple Now” talk I gave for the youth at a church where I recently spoke. It was a fun time together...

Go with the Flow

I had a neat opportunity to speak at Disciple Now, a conference for middle- and high-school-aged students held at a church that I have spoken at before. My topic was “The Cost of Discipleship.” Discussing Truth As I was putting this talk together, I came up with some...