
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

The Cost of Discipleship

Apr 21, 2024

Thanks for the feedback you gave us on the Go with the Flow” newsletter (https://markcahill.org/go-with-the-flow/) that we ran last week. It actually came from a Disciple Now talk I gave for the youth at a church where I recently spoke. It was a fun time together as we discussed a multitude of topics.

We just received the video from the church and wanted to share it with you. Here it is for you to watch, and if you like it, pass it along to others.


Also, here is an audio link as well.


Until the nets are full,

P.S.  I ask people all the time, “Do you like to read?” If they say, “Yes,” they get a booklet. If they say, “No,” they get a booklet! I just say, “Oh, you will love this booklet. It is an easy read, and you will zing through it pretty quickly.”

They will often thumb through it and notice that it’s not only a quick read but also an appealing presentation. The colorful pages and insets make these booklets inviting, and the lost are often happy to take them.

It’s good to be prepared with materials to give to the people you meet, so we have lowered the suggested donation for our booklets to 20% off! These savings can help you stock up and be ready to reach every person you can for the Lord! Pass these savings on to your friends, witnessing team, and church family by forwarding them the newsletter. Just click on the link below to order your booklets today!


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