
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Silent No More

A friend of the ministry, Brian Culver, recently released a book titled Silence in The Streets. He draws attention to the need for all believers to take seriously the work that the Lord has entrusted to all Christians: witnessing to the lost. We have no problem...

Faithful Soldier

Do you want to know what a faithful soldier of the Lord looks like? Read the following email to see one in action: Hi, Mark, Thank you for your books. Yesterday, I told the Lord that he should put one of the doctors I work with on an airplane with Mark Cahill for an...

“I Read the Cover!!”

As I walked outside of my front door one morning, a tall guy started to approach me. I didn’t recognize him as being someone from the neighborhood, but we have construction going on, so there are all kinds of people out and about on the street. He seemed to be...