
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven (December 2020)

A new friend of the ministry listened to the video below and said it was the most powerful of all the videos of mine that he has watched. He also said, “I want all pastors to listen to this message. It would change their churches forever! Mark 8:35 For...

Thanksgiving to God

It is the month of November again: the month where we in America celebrate our “Thanksgiving to God” holiday. For many of us, it is a great time to get together with family and friends, and travel to visit some of our relatives that we don’t see very...

The Watchmen (November 2020)

Some may not realize that we carry double duty as watchmen: We warn the lost and encourage the saved to reach the lost. That’s exactly what one man’s pastor did for him. I received this letter in the mail from Edward the other day and thought you might...

Silent No More

A friend of the ministry, Brian Culver, recently released a book titled Silence in The Streets. He draws attention to the need for all believers to take seriously the work that the Lord has entrusted to all Christians: witnessing to the lost. We have no problem...

How Is Your Lockdown Going?

The United Kingdom is now in their second lockdown. We heard from a friend of the ministry, Kristina, who lives in the UK and gave us an update about how some Christians are handling it there. She said: Beginning today, the second national lockdown started in the UK....