
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Stepping Up in Tennessee

      I recently went to Tennessee for the world premiere of Dr. Jobe Martin’s new DVD, Amazing Animals of Alaska. Dr. Martin is a good friend of mine, and I am always giving away his DVDs to both the lost and the saved. This new DVD is an excellent...
Do You Need a Special Heart to Be an Evangelist?

Do You Need a Special Heart to Be an Evangelist?

Various winds of teaching swirl around in churches, one of which suggests only certain Christians are called to be evangelists. Spiritual gift inventories or teachings that say only professionals are called to be evangelists can actually dampen your zeal, or worse...

Choose Life

A few years ago, Dr. Anthony Levatino testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee and explained his conversion from being a pro-choice, late-term abortion doctor to becoming a vocal pro-life advocate. Listen to his compelling testimony below: Dr. Levatino came to...

Prisoners Reaching Prisoners

  Russell is an inmate who was radically saved just before the arrest that led to his prison term. Even though he is incarcerated, he takes his job of reaching the lost seriously. He intends to serve out the remainder of his sentence as a watchman on the...