Ten Questions from the King!  A lady who recently picked up Ten Questions from the King on eBook just sent us these comments: Mark’s book, “Ten Questions from the King,†was so captivating that I finished it in a few hours, mainly reading it in...
Clint Eastwood Some friends of the ministry had the opportunity to witness to Clint Eastwood the other day! He has been here in Atlanta working on a film shoot recently, and they caught him as he was switching locations between scenes. Normally, Clint Eastwood does...
Now if there is one thing I love in life, it’s a great question! Something that makes you think. Something that stops you and makes you ponder what you were just asked. But as I thought about this one day, I began to wonder, Who would ask the best...
You may remember the Daniel Holtzclaw case that took place in Oklahoma City a few years ago. I remembered it vaguely as I was looking into this report. I do recall that his trial happened after the events of the Ferguson riots. What mostly stuck in my mind was his...