Testimony Time

Thank you for your interest in Mark Cahill’s teachings!
Periodically, we send out testimonies of Christians who are putting their faith into action. They serve as reminders for all of us to be living up to our high calling in Christ. We hope you will be encouraged and strengthened by these short testimonies from regular people just like you!
Witnessing Locations:
Short and Quick
Linda is a bold soul-winner. She always has stories to tell about her witnessing encounters. Why? Well, you know the answer to that! She wrote in with the following surprising conversation: Hi Mark, By the way, demonic people are very much at work today! Yesterday, I...
Plant and Watch What the Lord Can Do!
Brian is a very bold soul-winner. He witnesses everywhere he goes. If he is going to be doing some Uber driving to make some extra cash, he is going to witness to the folks he picks up. He just sent me this email: Hey, Mark, I met a man the other night while I was...
Are You Outreach-Minded?
Yes or No? There is really only one way to live for the Lord. Seeking and saving the lost. Seeking out the needs of others and see if you can fulfill them. Being a servant. John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my...
The Time is Now
There aren’t a lot of deathbed conversions in the Bible. The thief on the cross is the one that comes to mind. And since there aren’t many of them, we need to reach people daily for Jesus. If someone has a sudden death, like in a car accident, there is no time for a...
Go, Stand, Speak
One thing I like about the Gideons is that they get their feet wet. They hit the streets. They go to where lost people are found and plant seeds with them. Take a read at what Bill did on one of the Scripture Blitzes they do: While doing open-air witnessing at Times...
One Verse
As I was having lunch with someone recently, I started using Scripture to make some points. He looked at me from across the table and said, “I know one verse in the Bible.” That was an interesting statement. I thought this could be a good or not-so-good situation. It...
What a Day! #2010
I have used the title “What a Day” more than once for our newsletters. Now, I am not the most creative person, and I can come up with different titles for things, but sometimes, a title just fits a little too perfectly not to use it again. You just know it is the...
Many times, I stop at this one gas station on the way to church. I like to hand some tracts out and maybe bless a few people. It is a great way to start a Sunday morning! As I walked up to this one car last Sunday, the window was rolled down. That was a little odd,...
Pop the Question
I had a waitress at a restaurant recently whose name was Bella. So I asked her, “Is that short for Isabella?” I know some folks who named their daughter Isabella but refer to her as "Bella." Talk to people. Strike up a conversation with them. Once they are comfortable...
Plant and Pray
We received this neat testimony not long ago, and I thought you would like to read it. The letter was written in Spanish, and the translation is below: Good evening, My name is Daniel, and I will share with you a small part of my testimony. I had the opportunity to...