
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

What a Day!

Actually, I don’t think those guys should have been skipping school. I saw them as I was driving over to my dad’s house. Oh well. If they want to take chances by sitting at the end of the street, then I am going to walk up and give them something to talk about! The...

“Of Course! You have God.”

We received this update regarding Hurricane Ian, which was written from a pastor’s perspective. Pastor Jeramie and his church are walking in the aftermath of the storm in Sanibel. He wanted to encourage his congregation with his thoughts on the storm in the light of...

The Story Goes On

  For most of us, high school reunions come around every five or ten years. Do you get excited to attend yours, or do you pass on the event because you are glad those days are behind you? What if you realized that it could actually be a great witnessing opportunity?...