
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Celebrating Freedom

   Mark Cahill Ministries wishes you a wonderful Fourth of July celebrating the unparalleled opportunities the Lord has blessed this nation with. Remember, the truth has free course to run from sea to shining sea as long as we are bold and fearless to share it....

Go, Stand, Speak, and Sue If You Have To

One of the things we must do is stand up for our rights. Now, the legal process isn’t fun. There have had some issues in the area where I live with witnessing in malls and on our subway system. I have even had to get lawyers involved. It happens at times. Not a...

Preparing for the Future

Yes, you may have watched a lot of young people doing some surprising things on your television screens or through your internet connections in the last few weeks, but they don’t speak for all young people. There is a lot of hope for the youth, and for parents...
What Questions Should You Be Asking?

What Questions Should You Be Asking?

One point we keep hammering over and over here at the ministry is QEQE: Question Everything and Question Everybody. This mantra seems to be more important now than ever before. Non-questioning people can be in the dark about the issues of the day. Typically, they wind...


Many thanks to all of you biblical fathers and biblical fathers-to-be out there. Keep raising great warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ! Until the Nets are Full,