by Brenda Nickel | Jul 13, 2024 | Newsletters
Did I ever have a great lunch with Donte! You would be amazed by how much ground you can cover in three hours! Yes, it was a long lunch, but any time we can invest in someone’s life and answer their questions is time well spent. I met Donte at a store I stopped in one...
by Brenda Nickel | Jun 20, 2024 | Newsletters
Marie is a waitress at a restaurant where I was having breakfast one morning. I have been there several times. She came up to me and asked if I would walk over to one of her tables with her. Seemed like an odd request, so I asked her why. Well, she was having a...
by Brenda Nickel | May 18, 2024 | Newsletters
In our last newsletter, I shared that I was reading a book by John Burke called “Imagine the God of Heaven.” It’s about near-death experiences (NDEs). One thing I noticed as I was reading this book was that pretty much every NDE had a “heavenly” angle to it. The...
by Brenda Nickel | May 17, 2024 | Newsletters
One of the real joys in life is reading a book. You can gain some knowledge and expand your mind a bit. A teenager told me the other day that if he had a phone in one hand and a book in the other, he would more than likely go to his phone. That is how this current...
by Brenda Nickel | Apr 12, 2024 | Newsletters
I had a neat opportunity to speak at Disciple Now, a conference for middle- and high-school-aged students held at a church that I have spoken at before. My topic was “The Cost of Discipleship.” Discussing Truth As I was putting this talk together, I came up with some...
by Brenda Nickel | Mar 8, 2024 | Newsletters
On Monday, we went through a few Scriptures showing what God has to say about marriage, as well as what He says about separation, divorce, and the responsibility within marriage to love, forgive, and do whatever can be done to keep that marriage together. But one of...