
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Be Bold for Jesus and the Truth

Jun 12, 2023

When we hear from bold evangelists reaching people for Christ, we can’t help but share some of their stories with all of you. We want you to see how Christians everywhere are declaring the gospel to whomever they meet. Their sincere desire to reach the lost will help inspire your walk and witness for the Lord

Wesley wrote in with several great testimonies. Be sure to check out the last one. How many times has someone turned the tables and witnessed to you? 

It is an everyday thing now, and I’m giving out more tracts when I go. Thanks for the encouragement and for developing great, truthful materials to hand out.

I gave a Freedom tract to a woman yesterday on our way into the grocery store. She said she was saved, but when I questioned her further, I found out that she really believes she, and everyone, is in a position where they can lose their salvation. It is so difficult in these encounters because they look at you with the straightest face, having already decided what they are going to believe. I am getting better at it now, though, and I can discuss without arguing.

We met a young lady the other day at the courthouse who said, “No, thank you. I won’t need that. I’m an atheist.” She graciously stopped and talked with us. I reasoned with her, and it was a nice conversation! But how do you say everything at once? She came from a Baptist background. What a nice person. However, I felt awful for her being lost. I don’t know what she went through that caused her to turn away. Perhaps other Christians in her life were “poor ambassadors.” It’s so important for us to represent Christ accurately and effectively—that is, act like Christ and give out HIS Word (not man’s) accurately. I hate to hear of someone swallowed up in a lie.

I also met a Haitian truck driver in town while handing out tracts. He asked what the “What if?” meant. I explained and asked him, “What if today was your last day—where will you spend eternity?” and he gave me a salvation testimony! It was a nice time of rejoicing. I was deployed twice to Haiti as a Marine (1996 and 2004), so I could relate to him. I have a couple of shirts with John 15:13 on them. I was wearing one that day, and he was looking it up on his phone as we talked. He reads a French Bible. He also speaks Kreyòl [Haitian Creole] as well as English. I always love to quote Romans 5:8 along with John 15:13 because we were all enemies of God when Christ sacrificed Himself and died for our sins.

People are bold for Satan and lies. Let us be bold for Jesus and the truth!



Ephesians 6:19

And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

Wesley is a bold man of God! Remember, courthouses are great places to witness since they are on public property, which your tax dollars pay for. You can reach all kinds of people there, from lawyers to jurors to family members.

As Wesley said, People are bold for Satan and lies; let us be bold for Jesus and the truth!

Until the nets are full,


P.S. Our tracts are available for a suggested donation for just a few more days. Lots of people are outside enjoying the beautiful summer weather and they will be out and about on July 4th as well. Be prepared to start a conversation with them, like Wesley is daily. Pick up tracts for yourself, friends, Bible study groups, and churches at the following link:




P.P.S.  Sunday is Father’s Day. It’s good for all of us to remember the high honor God has given fathers in their homes, communities, and places of work.

Here is one of our newsletters from the past to remind you how valuable fathers are in the lives they lead now and in the legacy they leave behind.



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