
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Is It Time to Start Your Own Business?

Is It Time to Start Your Own Business?

What if you owned your own business? If you do, as they say, you can choose which 16 hours out of the day you want to work!! But couldn’t that business be used for God’s business? Couldn’t that be a soul-winning business? Couldn’t you start an Amazon business, let’s...

Tracts 2

Tracts Many people have asked me through the years if we would make our own tracts. So after giving it some thought, we decided to do just that! They are inviting enough to hand to anyone, anytime, and any place! We think you will be pleased to give these tracts out...
Sands of Time

Sands of Time

Many thanks to all of you for the materials you have given away through the years! The feedback we receive from your witnessing endeavors is just remarkable. One reason we share so many of your stories is to encourage all of you to “keep on keeping on.” Since y’all...
Simple Choice

Simple Choice

I like it when things are simple. Just makes it so easy to make a decision. Election season is upon us. And we will be deciding how to cast our ballots in November. Will it be an easy decision for you to make when you walk into the voting booth, or will it be a...