Thank you for your interest in Mark Cahill’s monthly newsletter. In it, you will find a variety of’ topics that relate to biblical Christianity, evangelism, and even current events. Mark’s viewpoint will challenge and encourage you to be bold for what you believe!
I Am Positive That You Need Jesus
Christians belong where the lost are. We need to mingle amongst them — not so they will impact us, but so that we can...
Tracts, Friends, and Gratefulness
Now, here is a great picture! There is a lot more going on in it than you might realize. The person sitting next to me...
Riddle Me This
The son of a coffee shop owner had a worried look on his face. He was also wearing a really dirty shirt! I asked him...
Whoring Around
As I am reading my Bible front to back again this year, a certain word is standing out to me again. I am running...
Optional Part of Christianity?
While speaking at a men's retreat recently and giving a talk about witnessing, I cited the following verse, Matthew...
Honoring and Glorifying the Lord
I received an email a few weeks ago from Chris. Now, I came to know Chris and his family from an old church I used to...
“You Are Very Comfortable Around Blacks”
Life is very interesting to live. There are ups and downs, there are highs and lows, and there are certain things in...
Christian Celebrities
Why did I watch this video? I should have known better. I knew before clicking on it that it would probably become a...
“I Read the Cover!!”
As I walked outside of my front door one morning, a tall guy started to approach me. I didn't recognize him as being...
Time to Leave – Part 1
We have mentioned a few times through the years that to be a leader, you have to be a reader. Reading is fundamental....
In life, it really isn’t difficult to figure out the right thing to do. Just read your Bible and obey it. However, I...
Noah’s Ark vs. Fake News
I have to let you know that 2020 is really going to be one fascinating year. And an easy way to figure that out is to...
I Don’t Need that Kind of Stress
Locking antlers with another human being can be fun sometimes. As long as two Type-A males don’t get too serious, it...
I Already Know
Do you ever seem to know what someone is going to ask before they actually ask you? When you talk to enough people,...
The Pope vs. Mary
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is...
Now, That’s an Author!
An interesting comment that I have heard from people over the years is, “I have never met an author before.” As I have...
What a Weekend
Now and then, we all need some getaway time. We need a break from the hustle and bustle of life to recharge our...
Headed Somewhere for Eternity
I saw this picture the other day and found it really fascinating....
I like running and walking in these things called Vibram Five Fingers. They are basically gloves for your feet. I wear...
Fifty Two
Talk to People I often say to people, “Tell me about someone new you have met in the last week. What is their name and...
Trump Towers
I wrote a newsletter four years ago about why I voted for President Trump. Why don't we stop right there. Four...
To Mask or Not to Mask, That is the Question
Okay. So, there I was, just minding my own business. Okay. Let's be honest. Minding your own business is no fun!!...
Feeling Empty?
Sometimes, feeling empty isn't a good thing. We don't like an empty wallet or pocketbook. We definitely don't like an...
Was it just me, or did this last year go by rather speedily? Goodness, I can remember trying to write 2019 instead of...
“Watch God Behave”
Time to do some thinking again. This time, I want you to watch a short video of Dave Ramsey. Most of you probably know...
God’s Design for Society
I was doing some thinking the other day. Are you like me? Does thinking things through seem to get you in trouble?...
Choosing the Chosen
“The Chosen’s director, co-writer, and chief publicist, Dallas Jenkins, has gone on record stating that the Mormon...
What Kind of Christian Are You?
One of the things I like to do whenever I’m in a coffee shop is to buy someone’s coffee. Anthony was behind the...
They Really Are at Their Breaking Point!
What a time to be alive! Things are getting pretty exciting down here. I hope you are enjoying the journey and making...
I’m Hatin’ It!
While walking at the park today, I ran into a mom and her two kids who were really nice and friendly to me. Kind of...
To Fear or Not to Fear: That is the Question
What a time to be alive! It seems like we can't listen to the news without something terrible being pushed in our...
SOS (2020)
Guaranteed A gentleman I met at the Post Office recently sent me a book he wrote called "The Gospel Within." The...
Flawed but Not Forgotten
We get a lot of feedback about our books here at the ministry. Many of the comments are great to read, and they make...
Summer of Truth
Recently, I was checking out a video by David Icke. Now, there is no need to watch it. David is an interesting guy....
Uncle Billy
Way back in the day, I went to Sherman Elementary School. Where I live now, there is a little part of the city called...
From the Womb, to the Cross, to the Tomb, to Eternity!
As many people and countries in this world celebrate Christmas, we must not forget why there is even a Christmas to...