
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Encouraging Others To Share the Gospel

Jul 18, 2020


We received this really nice email here at the ministry the other day. God is good! You just never know what folks out there are doing for the Lord, but it is always fun to hear from them.

    First, I want to say that when I got saved in March 2012, I had an absolutely awesome desire to witness, but I did not know where to turn. I tried the church I was saved in, but no one was discipling me, and no one was going out with me. So, I turned to many of the books that are out there from some well-meaning Christians, but they seemed so complicated and had skits, and I felt that if I followed all of these things, I would be some sort of robot.

     Well, as I was ruffling through the internet, I saw One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven. I listened and listened and listened to it and realized this was it. The Holy Spirit used your book to show me that witnessing could be so simple, so smooth, and so in line with Scripture. There were no complications, no gimmicks, no long skits, and no pep talks. It was just unfiltered and uncomplicated witnessing ideas, experiences, and tools. I was off and running with such awesome encouragement.

     A couple of brothers and I from different churches have been witnessing everywhere. And when COVID-19 happened, I knew I was to keep pressing forward. Since then, I have seen more fruit than I have in the last couple of years of witnessing. Even though the churches have been closed, people are hungry for tracts. I have prayed for people like never before. Your messages have continued to encourage and inspire me and my brothers in Christ.

     I know the LORD does not want us to stop or take a break from fulfilling the greatest thing we can do as Christians. We are to go out in love, humility, and boldness, and to spread His Word, no matter what the cost.

May the LORD JESUS continue to bless your ministry one hundred fold.



There are other “Davids” out there who need encouragement. Go find them. Invite them to go out witnessing with you or offer to go out witnessing with them. Keep encouraging others around you to become soul winners and keep coming alongside fellow soldiers on this journey to the Throne. We all need that encouragement until we hit the finish line!

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S. People really seem to like listening to these audiobooks. They are still on special, if you would like to pick up some copies for yourself or to give away or to send to others.


repaired Audio book sale pic

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