
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Food Pantry

We received this neat email at the ministry not long ago: Attached is a photo taken yesterday of my brother in Christ, Merle, giving your book to one of the clients at the McGregor Baptist Church food pantry.  Thanks again for the two cases of books you recently sent...


Recently, I was invited to speak to a group of high school seniors at Big Canoe Chapel, just north of Atlanta. The Chapel gives college scholarships to students from two different counties after they undergo an extensive interview process. They evaluate the students’...

Commas Save Lives

A couple of friends were witnessing together on a college campus. One of them had flown into town and was visiting the other for the day and said she needed to go witnessing to get her “witnessing fix” for the day. So, as they were passing by a college campus, they...