
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

God Is Not a Fraud

God Is Not a Fraud

I enjoy reading. It is one of the great pleasures in life that God has given us. You want to be known as a big reader and as someone who enjoys consuming books. Reading helps you to build a base of knowledge, and as you see how others put pen to paper, your own...
Do You?

Do You?

How would you define a pandemic? Once you get it straight in your head, then look at the following numbers: Deaths in the USA over the years… 2010: 2.5M2011: 2.5M2012: 2.5M2013 :2.6M2014: 2.6M2015: 2.7M2016: 2.7M2017: 2.8M2018: 2.8M2019: 2.9M2020: 2.5M (as of...
C’mon, now!

C’mon, now!

Ever wake up in the morning and wonder how God will use you during the day? If youre praying for divine encounters, there’s no telling how He might order your steps. Stan had a day like that a few weeks ago as he was exercising near San Antonio. God used an...

Maafa (2021)

As Washington D.C. gears up for the 2021 March for Life scheduled for January 29th, now, more than ever, we are reminded of how precious every human life is. Every person is made in the image of God, which means our Creator loves each of us, including babies in the...