The 2018 Olympic Winter Games may have ended Sunday night, but for Chris, the opening ceremony of the Olympics marks a milestone in his life. He wrote in to share his story, which we have included here for you: Mr. Cahill, I am writing to tell you thank you for...
When I was leaving the doctor’s office the other day and walking into the parking lot, a lady and I were about to cross paths. Since I always have tracts in my pocket or in my hands, I said, “Did you get one of these?” She told me she had not. So I gave her one and...
I received this letter from a prisoner the other day, and I thought it would encourage you to read it: I hope you don’t mind me calling you Mark! Anyway, my name is Shannon, and I am currently an inmate at Culpeper County Jail. I am in no way okay with the crime...
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Thanks to all of you moms and dads out there who train up warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ! Remember that in the days and times we live, we need warriors for...