
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Used To

Aug 27, 2022

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My father needed my help getting the emission sticker for his car. As I waited at the shop and while the technician was working on it, I walked over and handed a lady a gospel tract. She started reading it and said, “This is a tract. I used to hand these out in the Congo when I was a kid. My father was a pastor. It was so much easier to hand these out when we were younger.”

What an interesting statement. As we chatted, she realized that we didn’t worry about rejection so much when we were kids; we just followed along with what our parents instructed us to do.

I stated to her, “As we get older, we should have a much deeper faith and care much, much more about where people are going to spend eternity.”

We have 330 million people here in America. Yes, someone might reject a tract, but someone else might just say “Yes!” to taking a tract.

Walk toward someone while holding out a tract and say something like, “Did you get one of these?” And that’s really all it takes to be off and rolling.

Galatians 1:10

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Make sure to please Jesus with your life. Don’t worry about what men think of you. Their opinion of your life and how you live it out will hold no water when you stand before the Lord’s Bema Seat one day.

Until the Nets are Full,






Hi Mark! 

The Lord brought another young lady into my life who loves to run and loves the Lord. She wants to know how she can run and share the gospel! So cool! I told her that I wear a running belt that perfectly holds gospel tracts!





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