Some of our current technology can drive me crazy at times. Did it drive Adam crazy? Well, yes and no! Trying to get things accomplished in this world is not always easy, but what if you looked at every situation as a witnessing opportunity? Read on:
I had an experience recently. I was changing my phone plan provider to get a better rate and was trying to do it all online. After two days of online chat with the support representative, my phone still would not activate. They told me I needed to go to the retail store and have it activated there.
Online tech support can be frustrating, and I wasn’t feeling all that well, so I sent my wife. The short version of the story is it turned out that my wife wasn’t an authorized user on the account, and after one hour on the phone with her and the in-store personnel, I had to come in myself.
The two girls helping us at the store were great and got our phones set up. One of the girls had Jeremiah 29:11 tattooed on her arm, so I asked her what it said and why she had it. November 29th was her baby boy’s birthday. That really opened the door for a spiritual conversation. I asked if she had a Christian background, and she said yes, but that she didn’t like to call herself a Christian. As I let her speak more about where she was at, it turned out that she had left the church and was into a lot of New Age stuff, like crystals, etc. I told her I really love bearing the label “Christian,” because it identifies me as a follower of Jesus Christ in obedience to Him. That He is the only perfect blood sacrifice, that He is the only one who took away my sin and took my punishment and died for me, and that I wouldn’t want to be found having my identity in any other.
We had a good back-and-forth for a while. The other girl listened silently, and it somewhat seemed like the wheels were turning in her mind about what I was saying more so than with the one who engaged in the conversation with me.
Before I left the house, I had grabbed some One Second After You… booklets and a couple Amazon gift cards. As we were wrapping things up, I pulled them out, thanked them for their help, and said, “I really want to bless you today.” I tell people to do themselves a favor and read the whole thing first, and if, for some reason, they don’t like it, then the bookmark (a.k.a. Amazon gift card) doubles as a consolation prize. If they do like it, then it doubles as a blessing! One of the girls mentioned she really liked to read, so I upgraded her booklet to a One Heartbeat Away book that I keep in the glove box, just in case.
Leaving the store, I thought this was one of those things that seemed bad, but God worked it to His good (Rom 8:28). It was like God had a plan in having my phone not activate properly the first two times with the online support, just to get me up to the store to witness to those girls. He turned a frustrating situation into an incredible blessing.
Even in the day-to-day trials we face, we always need to remember to serve Him first and not ourselves! I was fairly frustrated with the situation until I realized the opportunity God had provided, and now, I’m praising God for it!
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Adam knew for sure that God had directed his steps to the phone store when he saw the tattoo on the lady’s arm. He understood that he wasn’t just witnessing to her. Some others within earshot were listening to him, just as others might be listening to you as well. Don’t be shy. Seize the opportunities God gives you. Lift up your voice. Be faithful and bold! And do it all with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Until the Nets are Full,
P.S. Many people say they like giving out our booklets because they are a quick way to give the lost a clear dose of truth. These booklets cover the most pertinent and intriguing questions that are on the minds of many lost people. To help you give them the answers they’re seeking, we have put our booklets on special at 20% off! These booklets are small enough and handy enough to keep with you while doing errands, traveling, taking a walk, or visiting friends and family..
“I’ve given away many of your books, but my favorite “give-away”
is your One Second After You . . . Die pamphlet!
It distills the message of One Heartbeat Away and is short enough
that it will more likely be read by a seeker of Truth.”
Dave S.
To pick up booklets so you can be ready for springtime witnessing, click on the link below: