
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

The Other Side of Trouble Bubbles

Apr 10, 2023


Back in July of last year, Linda wrote in with an amazing witnessing encounter that she and her husband had. While she was focused on her own “trouble bubbles,” God had other plans for their time. If you want to check it out, click on the following link:



Her amazing encounter wasn’t the end of the story, which you’ll see in her update below:

Hi, Mark!

Remember my story of the 80-year-old district judge and his wife, who broke down alongside the road last June? Long story short, Dave got to lead the old judge to the Lord.

Well, after he got saved, he changed! We got him a King James Bible with “Jesus Loves You” and his name imprinted on the front. When he and his wife showed up at our church the next Sunday, he showed me how far along he had come in his Bible reading.

Then a week or so ago, his wife tried to call us but didn’t get us and left this message: “Malcolm has passed on; he was life-flighted to the hospital where he passed away. It was his heart. But I must tell you, I am so very grateful for the day you stopped to help us and Dave led him to the Lord! I know where he is, and I will see him again. In all my years, that was the greatest miracle I ever saw in my life!! I just can’t thank you enough!”

That really hit home with me. Somehow, I didn’t experience any joy or satisfaction upon hearing that; instead, I felt guilty that I hadn’t done more to lead others to Christ. Sure, I hand out tracts to people and leave them in every ladies room on the planet, but how many lost souls have I just walked on past? How many opportunities did I waste by making my trouble bubble a priority? I had a good cry and a good time spent in serious prayer. I asked the Lord to do three things for me: first, forgive me for not putting His purpose for my life far ahead of everything else I just think I must accomplish; and second, to engage more with people when I am out and about doing my errands and getting my work done. Then third, I asked God to give Malcolm a special hug from us. We will be keeping tabs on his wife for sure, and her daughter will be taking care of her as well.

Thanks so much for your incentive emails you put out for those of us who are saved by God’s grace to fill the nets. My mission field needs to be everywhere I go, and it isn’t about me or even them—it’s about Jesus! He deserves what He so dearly paid for! And He is so unselfish that His plan is to take us along on these spiritual journeys to share in the Glory of it all! There is not a higher quality of peace, purpose, and contentment than the very act of introducing a lost soul to the only Saviour there is: the Lord Jesus Christ.

Those nets still have room for more!

Linda in OK


Linda has the right attitude. She wants the Lord to use her to reach the lost with the time she has left.

Luke 19:9

And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house….

Time is short for all of us, and so short for some that it’s critically important they be reached with the gospel today. Use your time wisely. Examine the distractions in your life so you have more time to explain the gospel to the judges, nurses, neighbors, and others out there who still have time to believe.

Until the Nets are Full,




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