
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.


Jan 27, 2023


As Christians, we all want to do great things for the Lord. We want our lives to count for Jesus and the gospel. Even though people might consider our boldness to speak up or efforts to help them heroic, it’s the Lord Jesus who is the true Savior of the world.

I had a really neat chat with Semre today. The reason we were chatting is because I happened to run into him at a gas station recently, and he gave me a call. He was adamant that Christians need to get outside of the four walls of their churches and get busy reaching the lost. He said, “We need to go where the people are. That is how we will reach them.”

Semre told me that he was from Eritrea and grew up Muslim. He escaped from that country at age 25, when he and three Christians decided to get out of there. They found themselves in a certain area where a man courageously helped them by giving them food, $3,000 worth of their currency, and directions for what to do when they hit the Sudanese border.

When he made it to America, he ended up reading the New Testament. He was amazed by the grace and mercy of Jesus. He repented of his sins and believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ for the payment of those sins. He got born again.

Acts 15:11

But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

This is a great country. People come here to hear about Jesus, but are we fearlessly giving Him away to those folks?



But even though this is a great country, America is a mess. The hatred for the God of the Bible continues to grow by the day. The United States is gone. Long gone.

But guess what? God still has a remnant here! And that remnant is not going anywhere. That remnant is going to grow larger as more souls get saved. And that remnant is going to stay strong and fight for Jesus right up until the end.

Do you realize there are people who need Jesus at this moment? Point them to Him, the only true Hero of life who can rescue and save their souls forever.

Are you part of the remnant?

The time to reach them is now.


Until the Nets are Full,







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