Lots of souls are being reached for the Lord in Kenya! How about where you live?
Here’s a letter from Specky, who is a doctor in Kenya. She reached out earlier this year for tracts and other materials because she has a burden for the lost in her country. She wants to do her part to reach her patients and others in her town for Christ. She wrote:
Hi, Mark,
Hope you are doing well. I pray that you are keeping safe during these Corona times. I am convinced that God is in control. Hope you are coping well.
Before we got Covid-19 in Kenya, I visited an office: you know, one of those prestigious surgical practices. I received a free consultation from a friend who works there for a sinus infection that has been troubling me.
For some crazy reason, I was super nervous. My voice was just starting to return, and I was struggling to be heard. I had lost my voice and wanted to share the gospel with the receptionist. I intentionally arrived an hour early, so I could talk to her. I knew we would not be interrupted because it was early, but I couldn’t find a way to get into a conversation that led to the gospel.
It was cold, and I wanted to get some hot ginger, lemon, and honey tea. I asked her if she wanted anything from the coffee shop. She wanted a double espresso. I left, praying for a way to talk to her about the gospel.
When I got back and after giving her the coffee, I just decided to use one of your openers. I asked her, Can I ask you an interesting question? What do you think happens after we die? We started chatting about the young politician who had just died at 42 years old and was buried the previous day. So we moved on from there, and it worked well. I gave her one of your tracts the What If? one. She agreed she is a sinner and agreed to dedicate her life to God.
I just wanted to say thanks again for writing your books. I have felt empowered by them. I went back out to go witnessing a week later around campus to one of the places that is like a red-light district so I could talk to campus students. I shared with several of them.
I now have to research more about how to give answers, especially to atheists. I had some interesting conversations with some, and though we didn’t finish the discussion, we agreed to continue the conversation later.
Today, as I was having my quiet time during an early morning walk, I was remembering how you say Every second, two people die. I was asking God, “Wouldn’t it be a blessing during this COVID time if all infected people got a chance to hear the gospel before they die? Just like you dream that seven billion people will get to hear the gospel, I also wish the same, especially now, more than ever.
As an anesthesiologist, I’m not scared of death because I know where I’m going. But during these times, I pray that God would use me. I fear, sometimes, because my colleagues in other countries with more resources are struggling, and we have less. God reminded me that He takes care of us. No matter what happens, He is still in control.
I noticed a small snail crossing the road one day and saw how it was oblivious to danger. It was about to reach the other side of the road. Surely, my life is in His hands. Maybe it is for such a time as this that He has purposed for His own glory. The best I can do is to be obedient and show His love to others by telling more people about Him.
Earlier this year, we sent Specky some materials. She sent us this note of thanks and followed up by sending these pictures! Neat to catch a glimpse of her life in Kenya and how she is using those materials inside of her office and at the hospital she visits.
Hi, Mark,
Thank you so much for the books and tracts. They are a precious gift. We will share them with our patients and see how we can extend their use. I’m hoping that I can lend them to the patients who are going to Admission for surgery, since they have time to read to kill time. These materials came at the right time. They arrived in the office this morning. It’s such a blessing after having such a horrible week. The package definitely lifted my spirits. My staff couldn’t believe that someone sent the books. They were thrilled. We will keep a copy of each so that they can read the One Heartbeat Away book One Second After You . . .booklet that we shared with the patients.
Thank you again. You have made my day. You have no idea.
God bless you so much,
2 Corinthians 7:13
Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: yea, and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all.
1 Thessalonians 3:8
For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.
Acts 17:27
That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
Specky searched for books and tracts all the way across the Atlantic, so she could reach her staff, patients, local students, and others for Christ. There’s a wide gulf between America and Kenya, but Christ is near to the lost. Help the lost to find Him by giving them good gospel materials so they know how to be saved and are given the only hope for having their sins forgiven forever.
Until the nets are full,