My father and all four siblings gathered together for dinner last night. It might be one of the last times we will ever get together again since my dad is 88 years old. I thought we would be going out to eat, but Dad was too tired.
My brother decided to use DoorDash to bring the food to us instead. Since I always pray for my waiter or waitress, I prayed for our DoorDash driver. My brother said, “Do you want to go out and meet the driver?” I almost laughed because I always do that!
As I was talking with the driver, Shakira, she seemed to have a pretty solid faith. At one point, I asked her, “Are you a single mother?” She replied, “How did you know that?” I live in a lower-income area, so you can kind of figure these things out sometimes.
She let me know that one of her kids was with her in the car. I have seen a lot of that lately. I have noticed single mothers driving around town delivering food with a kid or two in the car with them. So, I gave her a really nice tip, and then she just started crying.
I reminded her that we can all pass over to the other side pretty quickly. I mentioned that Dr. Charles Stanley had died that morning. She was stunned and said, “What??” Then she told me she had delivered food to him just two days earlier at InTouch Ministries!! Totally crazy. She got to go in the back to meet him. I let her know that I had spoken there one time to do a chapel service for the employees. I also reminded her how people can be here today and gone tomorrow. They can literally pass over to the other side that quickly.
James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
As we continued talking, she told me that she was about to get evicted. Not an easy thing to face as a single mother. I reached into my pocket, grabbed some cash, and just gave it to her. She literally just stood in the driveway and wept. I hugged her, but she didn’t stop weeping. I finally had to bring the food inside before it got cold!
Divine appointments are everywhere around us. We are living in interesting days. People are passing over to the other side pretty quickly. Are you doing anything about it? You might meet someone today who needs a blessing. Are you doing anything about it?
Until the Nets are Full,
P.P.S. What if the masking guidelines they tried to put into place during Covid had no scientific basis? What if the six feet of distance they wanted to put between people was pulled out of thin air? Many people figured it out right away, but many did not. We tend to somehow believe our betters. Covid was real, but how it was managed was all about control. How will you behave the next time they try to pull off a scare tactic like that again?