We had a book order the other day, and the lady who placed that order included a note for us. I thought you might like to read it:
Hello Mark,
I am 71 years old, and for 69 of those years, I threw away any Christian or other religious material that anyone gave to me. My son is an alcoholic (now sober 1 1/2 years). I was reading Alcoholics Anonymous, and it said the alcoholic needed to believe there was a higher power. That spoke to me. I started going to Red Rocks Church in west Denver and learning about the Bible and God.
My Christian girlfriend in Iowa sent me One Heartbeat Away. That sealed the deal for me. Fabulous, EZ read. Then, I read One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and loved it, too.
I have been witnessing for the last 3 Sundays at the park, handing out a Christian tract with a personal note stapled to it telling people to get One Heartbeat Away and read it or give it to a friend who is lost. I say on the note that I was the biggest doubter there ever was, and this book stopped me in my tracks!
I saw your book sale and got a case of books! Thanks for deciding to write books! LOL!
Jean in Denver
Jean lives in Lakewood, a city just outside of Denver that has a special place in my heart. My grandmother lived there, and I spent many a summer at her house! My Aunt Dee still lives there.
I remember heading over to my aunt’s house years ago after being in Colorado Springs one summer. Not far from her house, an interesting guy at a bus stop caught my eye. He had a Mohawk and a tattoo of a cross made of skulls that he had designed himself. We had a fascinating give-and-take right there on the streets of Lakewood. I was glad I took the time to make a U-turn and go back to talk to him.
And just today, I had a phone call with a guy who was on his way to an AA meeting. I reminded him that AA groups teach their members to believe in a “higher power,†but that “higher power†has a name. And His Name is Jesus!! He said he knew that, and he talks with folks there about getting saved every time he goes.
Thank you for giving away One Heartbeat Away to those who are seeking and searching. And thanks for reading and giving away all of the other books, too. Our books are still on sale for a suggested donation of $6 for each one of them.
Have a blast planting many seeds with the Jeans and the other lost people of this world!!
Until the Nets are Full,