
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Judy on Duty

Jul 15, 2021

Judy on duty

One of the most satisfying things we can do in our walk with Christ is to reach out and bless someone’s life. Find an open door and walk through it. See how you can make someone’s day better than it already was. Or, for some people, see how you can give them a glimmer of hope.

I received this encouraging email from Judy and wanted to pass it along to you. Etta is so grateful to know Judy!

Hi, Mark,

Just a quick note to encourage you. My former neighbor of 20-plus years, Etta Cross (89), now lives in an assisted living facility across town. As you know, seniors were put under lockdown early on in Covid, and only recently have they been allowed to go out. Etta is a believer, and her last name suits her life. Her only son passed at age 40. This while in the midst of caring for her husband (at home) with MS and paralysis from the neck down for 15 years. He eventually passed. Shortly thereafter, Etta was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

Fast forward. On one of my visits a month or so ago (during lockdown), I left her with a copy of your One Second After You… To my surprise, she later told me she wanted more of them to pass on to others. I gave her a couple more when I saw her on my next visit.

Well, this week she was free to go out. I took her for a long ride to where she had grown up. I played hymns during the drive, and she instantly took the lead. She still has a beautiful voice. She used to sing in the choir and was also an organist. We stopped for some homemade ham, biscuits, chips, and cold root beer (it was 90 degrees). Great getaway food!

On the ferry ride home, she spoke about her son and husband and how she is close to seeing them again. She told me with tear-filled eyes, “That little book of yours I read gave me so much comfort.” Wow, I just didn’t expect that. I gave her two more booklets to share, which she gladly took. It was a good day.

We just never know how God will work in a day and use us to be a blessing to others and bring Himself glory.

My brother, Mark, you keep pressing on and pressing in. God is still at work…John 5:17.

God be praised!



Who is the “Etta” in your life? Who is that someone who can use a blessing today? And, I mean just you being there for them. Just investing some time in them. Or doing something as simple as buying them a root beer. Go find that person and have an enjoyable day!

Until the Nets are Full,




P.P.S. A great first step in getting out into the world to help others is to turn off our TVs and phones. Go talk to someone. Bless them. Bear their burdens. Give them truth. This is what Jesus is calling us to do. And our One Second After You… booklet is a great way to encourage saved people to be giving away more booklets as well as encourage the lost to repent and believe the gospel. They are still being offered for a 20% off discount for a short while longer!




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