Tim is a friend of the ministry. Tim is bold. Okay, not really. Actually, he is very bold! You can find him in all kinds of places sharing his faith. He lived in Las Vegas for a stretch and was on the streets basically every day, handing out tracts. He does a lot of work with homeless people and loves giving them booklets and tracts.
Tim had the following testimony to share:
Hi, Mark!
These Mormon missionaries each received a copy of your booklet The Second Greatest Lie. Thank you for those!
Lord willing, I’ll be giving my testimony at one of the LDS ward houses they attend during their Testimony Sunday meeting, which is this coming Sunday. It will be the 49th ward I’ve shared my testimony at. Thank God they haven’t killed me. Please pray that many will get saved this Sunday when I do.
As a “good friend of mine would say “Until the nets are full!
Tim B.
Tim was also at the big Muslim festival in Dearborn, MI recently. What was he doing there? Well, he was doing what he is always does: Handing out tracts and having conversations with lost people!
Have you handed someone a booklet this week? They are easy to give out and easy to read. Might be a great time to flood your whole area with eternal truth and reach folks before they step off into eternity.
Until the nets are full,
P.S. Another friend of the ministry, Randy, is a coach. He is reaching out to past players with materials that explain the gospel, and the Lord is multiplying Randy’s small investment in some neat ways:
One of my ex-baseball players is in basic training, and I sent him a letter of encouragement along with several of your books, booklets, and tracts to share with his unit. He very much appreciated receiving them and said that all of the materials were gone within minutes. I also heard there were positive reactions to the quote in One Second After You Die…: “When the game is over, the king and pawn go into the same box.“ It really got them to think.