
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Generation after Generation

Oct 31, 2023


It’s that time of year again when public school and higher education begins for many young people. But are government schools really where we want to send our children? Lots of parents are considering home education for reasons that Mary Kay points out in her email below. She was replying to the following newsletter we did a few weeks ago.


Thank you, Mark, for encouraging people to homeschool!

I’ve homeschooled my three teens all the way through their education, and it has been such a blessing! They love each other, they still love to be with their parents, they love Jesus, and they want to homeschool their own kids.

Did God really intend for parents to give their children to strangers for the better part of each day for the majority of their childhood? Oh, I could list so many Scriptures that speak to the contrary. The 8-minute video (below) explains why we, as a nation, continue to deteriorate and why we, as a nation, blindly comply with government mandates and guidelines.

Alex Newman, a wonderful journalist, has warned that our country cannot continue to survive since generation after generation of children continue to be indoctrinated. Social-emotional Learning is in every government school, and its goal is collectivism.

Alex Newman is on the Board ofhttps://www.publicschoolexit.com/,” and they are willing to help parents in any way they can to get out of the destructive government school system.

Thank you Mark!
God bless you,
Mary Kay and family

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

When children and young people are subjected to repeated assaults on godly values, morals, their Christian faith, and their love of country, they can find themselves adrift in a world of confusion. And that confusion will always cast doubt on their only way of escape from this world of sin, Jesus Christ. Far better for them to receive their education in a consistent, safe, and loving environment than to let the world mold them into its image, which can destroy them in the end.

Until the nets are full,


P.S.  Here is the video Mary Kay referred to in her email. It should be an eye-opener for many!



P.P.S.  Another lady, Beth, is fostering the faith of her grandchildren. She wrote in with this story from last spring:

Hi Mark,

Yesterday, I took two of our “grands” to lunch after a sleepover on spring break. We stopped at Arby’s and gave Sandy THE PRIZEwith a tip, for our food!  We sat down to eat, and Jaelynn asked for a few more tracts! “Sure,” I said, ”Anytime!”  “Grandma,” she said, “Do you know how much I like to give out tracts? I check out library books every week and love to put one in them!”

I had a smile on my face as our sweet 10-year-old granddaughter is sharing what Jesus has done for her!

It won’t be long….




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