
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Fan Mail – Part 2

Jul 26, 2022


Another email arrived in my inbox recently. I thought you might like to read this one as well:


I just wanted to share a neat story with you and thank you for allowing God to use you, as you’ve continued to have a profound impact on my life with witnessing.

A few weeks ago, on a Saturday evening, my wife and I were going to go to an Asian fusion restaurant to eat. Well, after about 15 minutes there and not being waited on, we decided to leave. We went to another restaurant (because I love their huge plate of nachos), and there we met our waitress Reilly.

Reilly had recently been in a car accident; she had much to pay on her student loans, and she was studying nursing as a result of her mom having had colon cancer years before (which we inferred from her).

She is a lax Catholic, and we spoke to her about her relationship to God, based on the law. She admitted she would be going to Hell.

I told her that my wife and I were originally going to eat somewhere else, and said, “Reilly, God doesn’t make mistakes. He sent us here for you. What if you would have died in that car accident?”

She agreed that she needed to think about it, and we left her with a tract and a “Mark Cahill-sized” tip.

We always try to tip well, but this was the largest we’ve ever tipped, and it was indirectly because of your influence. We included a note that said the money was to help her with her car repair.

Mark, if it were not for your example of blessing others and truly following the Lord’s leading in all things, I cannot say that this meeting with Reilly would ever have happened.

I appreciate you and all you do for the Lord.

I constantly remind myself of your saying, “Today is a new day.” Some days, that is what I need to get up in the morning, as I’ll still feel guilt for a sin or that life isn’t going “as I planned” and feel “unworthy” of being used by the Lord. (The enemy’s lie.)

Thank you again for everything, and if we don’t meet until Heaven, you will have rewards added to your account, based alone on how God’s used you to impact me!

God bless,



I am not exactly sure what a “Mark Cahill-sized tip” means, but I am thinking about becoming a waiter just to find out one day!

But as you can see, Adam and his wife care about lost souls. Their “plans” might get interrupted, but they know that God is always in control.

The Reillys of the world need to meet the Adams of the world. Unbelievers need to cross the paths of believers who are true ambassadors of Christ. Reilly will never forget that encounter and neither will Adam or his wife.

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Adam might be sharpened by some of the teachings of this ministry, but emails like his sharpen me. They remind me to be selfless in a selfish world. They remind me not to be stingy when prices and inflation are going nuts. They remind me that blessing the Reillys of the world is a wonderful part of the Christian walk.

Stay sharp and go sharpen someone today!

Until the Nets are Full ,


P.S.  Many people have shared with us that One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and One Heartbeat Away have helped to motivate and equip them to talk to the lost. Dillon was one of them, as he related in an email to us a few weeks ago:


If you would like to kickstart your motivation for witnessing, you can check out these books on our website’s Books page at:



P.P.S.  Do you know what emergencies we are dealing with in our world today? What we really have is a sin emergency. Go share Jesus with someone today to cancel that emergency in their lives.

No-Climate-Emergency_500x (2)

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