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Each book is packed with insightful and powerful tips for effectively witnessing to those you encounter or want to reach in life!
Ten Questions from the King
New! Mark Cahill has written another unique and intriguing book packed with insights, tips, and witnessing stories to help encourage and challenge you to walk closely with Christ and share truth with others. Jesus used simple questions to bring His listeners face to face with eternal truth, and we can do the same. Mark’s real-world evangelism finds him in conversation with a man who thinks he’s on his last of 8.4 million lives and with a Jewish atheist professor who is teaching religious studies at a Christian university! This book is perfect for personal or group study, or just reading it front to back. As with his other books, you will find this one to be his same enjoyable and conversational style, which so many have come to love and appreciate. Mark’s exceptional knack for making profound truths simple will leave you thinking about life and eternity long after you have finished the book. Read more…
The Last Ride
The Last Ride, Mark’s latest realistic novel, is filled with solid truth and will take you on a journey through biblical history before arriving in the 21st century. It covers many topics¬the sanctity of life, Islam, syncretism, preservation of truth, heart of God, persecution of the Jews, God’s hand moving through history, the gospel, influences pressing down on the family, homosexuality, false teachings in the visible church, fulfillment of prophecy, foundations of worship, the problem of sin, world events, and the seven churches of the Book of Revelation done in a way that makes for a very quick read. It’s a wake-up call to the church and to every born-again Christian. The time is now to make our stand. Read more…
Four high school seniors make a commitment to return to every high school reunion before stepping out into the journey of life. Follow them from their 10th through 60th reunions, and see which paths in life they will take. The real key is who is going to meet up together on the other side for the final reunion! Topics such as suicide, creation/evolution, absolute vs. relative truth, racism, homosexuality, Islam, and more are covered with a quick-paced and light-hearted humor. Which road will you be on when it’s time for that final reunion in life? Read more…
Take a journey with a man named Josh who is about to head off into eternity. The question is: Is he ready? This fast-paced adventure answers the pressing questions of our day such as creation versus evolution, is the Bible true, does God exist, angels and demons, did the resurrection really happen, and can we be good enough to go to heaven. Suspense builds and readers will wonder if Josh will pick the right Paradise? Should they Read more…
The Watchmen
So many Christians wonder if they are living up to the high calling of Christ in our lost and dying world. How can we lay down our lives to best serve the Lord during our brief time on earth? Are we living and breathing for the sake of the gospel? The Watchmen will move your heart to become a watchman of God who blows the trumpet long and loud in the lives of the sleeping world around us. They must be awakened to the reality of Judgment Day. Everyone must be ready. Read more…
One Heartbeat Away
People have asked me to write a book that would anticipate the questions of lost people and speak to their objections. One Heartbeat Away is exactly that. They want to know: Is this all a blind faith issue, or can it be a legitimate, calculated leap of faith? Can you prove there is a God? Doesn’t evolution disprove the existence of God? Can you prove the Bible true? What is out there after I die? Be armed with strong evidence and clear conclusions when sharing your faith. Read more…
One Heartbeat Away (Spanish)
People have asked me to write a book that would anticipate the questions of lost people and speak to their objections. One Heartbeat Away is exactly that. They want to know: Is this all a blind faith issue, or can it be a legitimate, calculated leap of faith? Can you prove there is a God? Doesn’t evolution disprove the existence of God? Can you prove the Bible true? What is out there after I die? Be armed with strong evidence and clear conclusions when sharing your faith. Read more…
One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven
Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for the journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don’t know how. This practical book gives you great ideas for starting conversations, examples of witnessing situations, and the answers to common questions to help encourage, challenge, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus the rest of your life! Read more…
One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven (Spanish)
Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for the journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don’t know how. This practical book gives you great ideas for starting conversations, examples of witnessing situations, and the answers to common questions to help encourage, challenge, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus the rest of your life! Read more…
The Most Important Question of All Time
There are so many lies out there about who Jesus is, and that bothered me enough to write something about it (to clear up that confusion). Why are there so many diverse opinions about Jesus? See how the facts can convince even the toughest of skeptics. Then we walk the reader right to the Biblical Jesus, to His cross, and to the resurrection. By the end, they will know without a doubt who is the real Jesus! Read more…
The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told
In this booklet, we delve into the top nine religions in the world to see what they teach about their god, what it takes to be right with that god, and what they teach about eternity. When these religions contradict one another, then we have to find out which of them is true. Can they all be correct? We will show you how to sort out the truth from error in order to come to the right conclusion. Read more…
One Second After You . . .
This booklet covers all the major subjects of witnessing proving there is a God, creation versus evolution, the truth of the Bible, the existence of heaven and hell, the presence of sin in every person’s life, the cross of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of our Lord. Some people may not read the Bible, but they will read over 100 Scripture verses in this booklet. The lost are searching for spirituality, but are finding substitutes that are not real. Read more…