I was chatting with a waiter the other day, and he gave me an interesting answer to a question. I usually say to waiters at some point toward the end of my meal, “Three questions for you.” They typically tell me to “fire away” or “go for it.” I wait for them to give me an answer after each one. The three I ask are these:
- Do you ever think about what happens when you die?
- What makes you think about it?
- What conclusion have you come to?
Nice, simple, non-threatening questions that usually lead to a neat conversation.
This guy said that he thinks about life and death whenever a celebrity dies. He mentioned that Pee Wee Herman had recently passed, and his mind started thinking about all of this again.
Well, Jimmy Buffet just died, and I thought about this waiter. I knew he would be processing the issues of life and death again. But the good news is that he knows what Jesus has done for him, and he has some materials to read to explain it to him further.
Singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett, who popularized beach bum soft rock with the escapist Caribbean-flavored song “Margaritaville” and turned that celebration of loafing into an empire of restaurants, resorts and frozen concoctions, has died. He was 76.
“Jimmy passed away peacefully on the night of September 1st surrounded by his family, friends, music, and dogs,” a statement posted to Buffett’s official website and social media pages said late Friday. “He lived his life like a song till the very last breath and will be missed beyond measure by so many.”
A “celebration of loafing”? When did that ever become a goal we should aspire to? Make so much money that we can just lounge around all day? Is that really how this life should be spent?
Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
From the same article:
“It’s pure escapism is all it is,” he [Buffet] told the Republic. “I’m not the first one to do it, nor shall I probably be the last. But I think it’s really a part of the human condition that you’ve got to have some fun. You’ve got to get away from whatever you do to make a living or other parts of life that stress you out. I try to make it at least 50/50 fun to work, and so far it’s worked out.”
“Pure escapism”? Well, he may have escaped some things down here, but Judgment Day will determine if he escaped the Lake of Fire for all of eternity.
They said Jimmy Buffet had become a billionaire from all of his music, restaurants, and spin off products by the time he died. Well, my Bible couldn’t be any clearer on that subject:
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
I remember witnessing at one of his concerts downtown one night. His followers were called “parrot heads.” They dressed up for the show like it was Halloween.
Grown adults dressing like kids (and some of them actually brought their kids to this drunken fest), just heading to Hell. Some enjoyed laughing at the Christians who were witnessing there, but the day will come for all of them when their mocking will come to a screeching halt. But is this really any different than when adults paint their faces for sporting events? The lengths fans in America will go to worship their idols always amazes me.One of Jimmy’s hit songs was titled, “Come Monday.” He wishes he had one more Monday to get saved, but his life was like a vapor that he wasted on earthly things which have no eternal value.
James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
Do you have someone you need to witness to today? Go and do it. Please, please, please, don’t waste your life. It was given to you by Someone who truly knows the value of life and wants to give all mankind life in Heaven with Him for eternity.
Until the nets are full,
P.S. This man had been praying for God to show him how to boldly share his faith. He has been saved for 6 years. He had an appointment to treat a Christian’s bees’ nest and afterward, he was giving a copy of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and One Heartbeat Away. It was definitely a God-ordained appointment. Keep speaking truth to everyone.