
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Childhood Investment

May 26, 2019


     Do you remember your first piggy bank? You put in coin after coin to save up for something you needed or wanted. Teaching truth to young people can be the same. We sow in them verse upon verse so they can draw upon the truth they need all the days of their lives.

     One 7th grade teacher is investing truth in his students. Brian had his class read The Last Ride and sent over this book report from one of his students:

Brian Culver kid

The Last Ride

The book Last Ride talks about how God is a loving God and how God gives mercy before he judges his people. It also talks about how all the evil is happening, like Islam killing Jews and Christians. And how music can affect people’s lives. The book also talks about false prophets and how God doesn’t want demons to preach to men. The book also talks about what will happen in the end time and has a few angels tell what’s happening. And how Satan tricks people and twists God’s Word. And how many people false teach, lie, murder, and kill God’s people.


Here’s another letter we received. Kathy is thankful for the investment we unknowingly made in her child:

Hi Mark,

     I was looking through some old web pages that my daughter and I used to put together back when she was in school. I came across a list she had made for the “Sweet 16 Candle Lighting” ceremony we had in our home. All of her friends took turns lighting up 16 candles as she read her list. For each candle, she expressed how she was thankful for different people and what they had meant to her life and Christian walk. On the list was Mark Cahill, among others in the ministry. She is now 30-years-old and still living for Jesus.

     Thank you for being a part of her foundation in the Lord!



And another parent sent in this picture of her daughter. She is instilling in her the importance of reaching the lost. Witnessing teaches kids to invest in the eternities of others. It also creates an urgency to learn the Bible, live faithfully, and be on their knees in prayer. It can pay a big return on a small but repeated investment.

Proverbs 11:30

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.


 The “currency” believers trade in is truth. We invest truth in the souls of men in the hopes they will turn and seek the Lord.

Parents, be sure to use this summer to keep investing in your kids. And encourage them to be investing in others. Give them the tools and truth they need to start strong and stay strong for the Lord all the days of their lives.

Until the Nets are Full,



P.S.  Stories are well-known to be effective ways to teach truth. This summer, why not invest in your kids or those not familiar with the Bible to teach them truth through an attention-getting story?

        And since summer is such a great time to read, we are offering all three novels for a suggested donation of $20. You can get these for you, your kids, your friends, and even for the lost. I hope you enjoy them as much as so many others have! Check out our Specials page for details.



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