Lots of opinions circulate through the church about Calvinism. It’s a topic that’s on the minds of many. Those opinions range from sympathizers to those who are opposed to it. And, of course, many try to defend their own version of it because they’ve bought into...
Sometimes, it is fun to ask for the moon! You know you probably won’t get it, but many times, the fun is in the asking. Actually, I had someone ask me about the moon, and, of course, it got me thinking. He was a Muslim man who posed an interesting question. He said he...
I didn’t know that the rock band, The Cure, was still around. They are a band from England that started their career in the late 1970s. They decided to hit the U.S. this summer to play a few shows on tour. One of our mottos here at the ministry is, Let Satan draw them...
Not long ago, I was having an email exchange with a friend of the ministry. He mentioned that a former student of his had seen one of the “Jesus” commercials during the Super Bowl and decided to try church again the following Sunday. Well, lo and behold, the pastor of...
I received an interesting email the other day from Linda that made me think: I am moved so much by your compassion for people. I remember the few times I was able to see you witnessing to people. If I were to break it down into steps, it would look a lot like your...
I had a great conversation with a waitress the other night. It was a wonderful give-and-take with Serena, but I literally have not heard that many “F-bombs” in ages! That word rolled off her tongue like we would say “and,” “or,” “the,” or “but.” Interestingly, my...