
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

When Doves Cry

I have to be honest; when Prince died, it hit me kind of hard. There were so many thoughts from the past and different angles about Prince’s life coming to mind that my wheels just started spinning in a lot of directions. First of all, when I was a lost person,...

What Age Is It?

Age is a funny thing. When you are young it seems like you want to be older. When you are older, many times, you wish you were younger! Remember when you were real young, and you just wanted to be a teenager! Sweet Sixteen was important. Finally, you turned 18! Then,...

Check Your Caller ID

Could a book that has sold over 16 million copies be wrong? What if that book has numerous devotionals, children’s and teen versions, wall calendars, and daily planners? Could that book be unbiblical? What if this book has been endorsed by various leaders and...

For What is Your Life?

Do you ever stop and think about the power of life and death? Recently, we had a lady write into the ministry who had some interesting observations about this. This is what she said: “Before I had a family and became a Christian Hippie living off the grid in...

Temple Time

As you have been reading your Bible from front to back this year, did you notice that verse in Genesis 1? Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of...

The John Quincy Adams Challenge

So I was looking at this article one day, and I decided that I would click on the video. Wow! I had no clue what I was in for. Now, I know we are getting into political season, or “silly season,” as some call it, but that is not what this video is about at all....